Legendary Soul Art

Chapter 115 Winged Soul Academy Entrance

"Alright, let\'s hope Headmaster Blake hooked us up," Number One nodded as they flew straight towards the gate. Even though it was getting dark, the Academy Entrance was filled with both students and various merchants who were waiting to be checked.

Many were still hovering in the sky as they waited for some space to land in front of the entrance which was bound to create conflict. Number One and the girls completely ignored the queue and simply flew right past them without care.

"Hey, there is a lin—" Someone called out after them but he quickly paused after seeing who it was. "Wait, is that Miss Nami? Who is the girl beside her?"

They immediately gathered attention from everyone in the queue and the student gossiped with each other. No one dared to stop them though as there was an obvious disparity between them. Red and Black Talent were extremely rare so they naturally had special privileges.

Everyone showed respect to the girls but once their gazes fell onto Number One, their expressions flipped to the opposite spectrum. "Who is the guy flying with Miss Nami? Is he the partner she chose? A fucking White Talent?"

It wasn\'t a secret that Nami was searching for a Training Partner. That news already spread throughout the Academy so it wasn\'t hard to connect the dots. Her man didn\'t even hide the black feathers tattoo which confirmed everyone\'s guesses.

"There is no way Miss Nami chose a partner with a White Talent. I refuse to believe it."

"What benefits can he even provide her? All he has is a pretty face."

"He must have seduced her and now using her to get Soul Arts. How did Miss Black allow this?"

Many gossiped openly and Number One could hear everything. He only smiled to himself as if he already expected such reactions and landed right in front of the Disciplinary Guard by the entrance. The two guards were just as surprised as everyone else but they stayed composed in front of the ladies.

"Miss Nami, welcome back to the Winged Soul Academy," the guards greeted Nami while showing Luna an equal interest. "It\'s a blessing you decided to become our fellow student. Can we see your Student Badges?"

"Of course," Nami nodded and they all withdrew their badges. The guards scanned the girl\'s badges using a portable Artifact before showing an awkward expression.

"Miss Nami, your Student Badges are the most basic type which is granted to all new students. It doesn\'t grant you the privilege of skipping the queue. You need a special black badge that is granted to exceptional students," the guard explained while giving the girls a look over. "We can of course make an exception for you two since you both are bound to receive one soon, but your friend will have to wait."

Both Nami and Luna frowned at the guard\'s proposal but Number One stopped them from exploding with a pat on the shoulder. "Didn\'t Headmaster Blake inform you of our arrival? We arrived with him from the Selection Academy but had to split up due to an errand. Check my badge."

Number One didn\'t have time for drama so he didn\'t announce his name openly. He hoped the two guards were informed about their arrival but they only raised their eyebrows at his information.

"Is your name really Number One?" the guard asked out loud as he returned the badge. "We just started our night shift so even if Headmaster Blake said something, I guess we didn\'t get the memo. You will have to wait like everyone else. We can\'t break the rules."

The guard\'s words were heard by everyone behind them in a queue which caused outrage. Not only did the guy steal Miss Nami but he even dared to call himself Number One.

"What was Headmaster Blake thinking by allowing him to enter the Academy? He must have gotten in just cause he is Miss Nami\'s partner but—"

Someone was talking shit behind them but they were immediately silenced the moment Nami turned around to see who it was. There was a difference between roasting a random White Talent and a Black Talent with an immense background so no one would be this stupid to say the same to Nami\'s face.

"So you will break the rules for us but not for him? Is it cause he is a White Talent?" Luna pointed out the hypocrisy with an eye roll and turned to the crowd. "We are going to skip the queue. Is there anyone who disagrees?"

It was clear that all three of them came from the Selection Academy which made everyone present their Seniors. Even if they were beautiful and their Talent was better than theirs, it was still insulting to them.

"Who do you think you are girl? Coming from the Selection Academy and wanting preferable treatment?" a middle-aged merchant in normal clothes called out first. "You might be at the top back there but you are no one here yet. Don\'t make it difficult for everyone and get in the line. We all waited for more than an hour to get inside."

His words caused everyone else to stand forward with their own arguments and it was mostly students who got offended. Even though they had priority over the merchants, they still had to get checked in case they tried to impersonate a student.

"You think your Red Talent lets you bully us? We would let you go first if you asked nicely but forget about it now. Get to the back if you don\'t want any trouble."

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