Incest Complex

Chapter 56 - Space

Where am I?

Ugh, Where the hell is this!?

How the fuck did I end up in this starry void suddenly. I can\'t even find any exit.

I\'m sorrounded by asteroids or something i don\'t know. My body is floating around, I don\'t even know where am I heading to cause I can\'t control my body.

What annoyed me the most is I can\'t feel my energy. I could not even use my powers in this space.

I\'ve been floating around for my hours. The android robot is with me, still have the books on it\'s tray. I already read all the books I picked up.

Is this karma?

Is it because I hypnotized my niece. But I can\'t help it, It\'s the only light punishment I could think of. Also, I did not expect it to work.

Argh, Come on, is there anyone in here. No one, not a single soul. This is really stupid.

I think there is no concept of time in here, Because I don\'t even feel exhausted or hunger.

I remembered earlier, the cause of my predicament....yeah, it\'s because of that \'thing\'.



While I was busy finding books that piqued my interest I did not notice something strange happenig on the black book on top of the table.

The android robot keep following me but it\'s blue light eyes keep flickering. But I did not notice it either.

I continue my endeavor oblivious what is happening around me.

There are so many amazing magic book spells I picked and there are some stupid ones. I wonder If I can study all the book outside, I mean If it\'s okay to borrow the books.

let\'s try talking to Alice later.

Speaking of Alice I wonder what she was doing right now. That angel is naughty....Ahem, I can\'t speak badly to angels right? or else I will suffer divine retribution.


2nd floor,

"Achoo!"Alice sneezed. She rub her nose with her hand.

"Alice are you okay?"Shina worriedly asked.

"Yeah, Am I sick or something? No, that shouldn\'t be...."Alice said, As she said. Her body could not get sick. She\'s not a human and her body is immune to an illness, she was puzzled why she sneezed.

"Hmm, I think someone is talking about you?"Shina said with a smile.

"Eh, Who?"Alice asked shina with wondered look. Alice thought everyone she got acquainted with, but couldn\'t find anyone ould talk about her behird her back.

Shina smiled mysteriously.


Unaware of what is happening in the 2nd floor. I just resumed what am I doing.

Although, honestly picking books are a bit boring, but all of this is necessary for my growth. I can\'t help it, being lazy is my forte but I feel like I shouldn\'t be lazy at this moment or I might regret it.

I have so many doubts of my heart desire and this situations. Why did I even reincarnated in this body in the first place?

There are so many bodies I could possess yet I was sent to this body. There must be a reason for this.

I have speculated so many scenarios I could think of.

The first is, God erased my memories about interacting with him.

Second, Someone\'s scheme, They extracted my soul on my body and put it in shido\'s body.

Third, The most frightening one. I became a puppet of some powerful organization.

And etc. All of this are just my speculation, no concrete proof.

Chikushodo family, have so many secrets the world did not know about. There must someone that is interested on their secrets hence I was sent here. God, I really became paranoid of this situation.

If only you could tell me what is really happening. I release a big sigh on my mind.

I stopped picking books and was thinking such thoughts. I sighed, What am I doing. Let\'s ignore all of it and do whatever I want.

To tell the truth, I hate being used or manipulated. I rather kill myself if I found was being used. But, I would not die a pointless death, I will pull all the people who are using me to hell.

Using me, manipulating me, betraying me and hurting my love ones is something I could not tolerate. Anyone will pay if something all those I mention above

happened, even if you are god or devil itself.

A terrifying glints in my eyes. A powerful resolution in my heart. My heart desire quivered seeing such poweful resolve coming from me.

The heart desire trembled because it recieved my intent. \'If you are using me, I will reap my heart out of my body, I don\'t care if I die! Think of what you are doing because if something happened I couldn\'t tolerate and you are the cause! I\'m not a forgiving person when it comes to hurting my love ones\'

Behind me, the black book suddenly lit up and a large magic circle expanded below my feet. I suddenly snapped out in my profound state as I tried to run aay from this magic circle.

Did the black book got annoyed because I\'m ignoring for a while now. Hey, it\'s not my fault for being suspicious. If only you didn\'t follow me around where ever I go, I might come back where you are because I might think you are a bit mysterious. I like mysterious stuff, but if you keep following me around is not mystery anymore but suspicious and scary.

I wanted to run but, the android robot suddenly pushed me towards the book. It suddenly caught me off guard, what the fuck! I look at the robot and notice it\'s light became red. Shit! it was controlled?

But, I\'m not helpless I tried using my power but something dreadful happened. I could not release my energy from my body.

Wait! is that magic circle\'s doing. It can negate my power? How did it know I have power in the first place.

Damn, there is no time thinking about that. My hand already touched the black book.

I sighed, Fuck!

Suddenly my view distorted, I instinctively closed my eyes. It was hurting my eyes and head. When I open my eyes. I realized I\'m floating in space, I used my hand to cover my mouth.

But, then suddenly I could breathe normally.

"Where the hell am I?"I said, looking around.

I tried moving my body but It was super difficult to do so.

Could not even use my power.


That\'s what happened, I spent my time reading books in this space. The android robot came with me with the books so I used the oppurtunity to read the books.

I don\'t feel hunger. Thanks to that, When I\'m meditating I could concentrate all my might.

The meditation worked, I\'m really happy. So I just spent my time in this space reading books or meditating.


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