The Sage of Einar

Chapter 365 - Creation Of A Weapon That Transcends Time 2

When Ibssen finished making the wooden molds for the revolver, he took them to Gerd\'s workshop where Einar and Seren were already meeting.

Upon arrival, Einar placed the pieces of wood in sand to create the mold where the molten steel would be poured.

When he finished making the sand mold, he took out the wooden pieces and sealed the wooden container with metal clamps.

Later, they took the mold to the steel factory where, from a blast furnace; they poured the molten steel into the wooden mold.

They waited a few minutes and when the steel had solidified; they removed the wooden presses to be able to open the wood that had the sand inside.

When the sand was cleaned, it revealed a steel mold with all the parts joined by steel wires, like a kind of model kit that only needs to be cut and assembled.

Taking the piece of steel to the water, they waited for it to cool down when it was already cold.

Einar took it out of the water and, using a saw, began to cut the steel pieces. Later, Gerd used sandpaper to polish the steel pieces.

This process took a few hours, so they decided to start the assembly the next day.

While Einar was on his bed, he hugged his wives and looked somewhat seriously at the ceiling.

\'The pieces will be shaped like a 19th century Colt Paterson revolver, a somewhat simple weapon to assemble, but with devastating power.


I think the .308 caliber will be perfect for that beauty of a weapon, to think that I will end up using a revolver when I was used to pistols.


I suppose that maybe one day I can have a gun in my hands again, but at least the revolver should be more than enough to protect myself and my family. \'

The next day, Einar arrived at Gerd\'s workshop and began assembling the parts of the revolver.

Although it was not a complicated task if he did it meticulously because he had to check that everything would be done correctly.

For otherwise the consequences would be completely devastating, if the weapon is disarmed.

To begin with, the hilt would be made of steel, which was covered with ivory plates that Einar had made previously.

The rest of the weapon was quite angular in shape because he didn\'t know they had the tools to create a more stylized design, and Einar wasn\'t interested in that.

Well, what he was looking for was a functional weapon.

After assembling everything, it was only necessary to place a part of the revolver, which was the rifled barrel, to do it the lathe and a steel tube were used.

When it was completely done, it was placed in the revolver, and then the weapon was completely done.

At that moment, Einar took it in his hand and began to pull the trigger. Since it was a single action revolver, he had to place the firing pin in position before firing and he had to turn the drum with his hand.

Although it was a cumbersome process at the beginning, it was easy to learn, so he was sure he could adapt in the future.

After testing the revolver mechanism for a while, he ends up putting it down on the table and looking seriously at everyone.

"I really appreciate everyone\'s help, but this time we have to test the weapon to do so. I hope you can accompany me to the shooting room of the imperial palace."

They all nodded, so they watched as Einar placed the revolver in a wooden box and they all left for the imperial palace.

Upon reaching the room in the imperial palace which had been adapted as a shooting range, there were also Sven, Elin, Kassia, Helmi and Laisa.

Well, because it was a momentous event, all of them had to be there because they had to see the devastating power of firearms.

To carry out the test, the corpse of a pig with a metal cuirass and a chain mail was placed on its body.

Because of the danger of using the revolver, Einar donned a steel helmet and leather gloves covered by steel plates.

If the gun exploded, at least his fingers could be spared from the devastating power of the revolver.

"What you are going to see in some moments is the result of teamwork and the technology delivered by Odin.

Firearms are the future of war, unfortunately I cannot build them on a large scale because to produce ammunition.

We require gunpowder which can only be got with saltpeter a material that we can barely produce, but we can produce enough to be able to create revolvers for almost everyone in the room.

However, they will have to wait a bit before we can manufacture them because first I need to do the tests with this revolver to know what things we have to modify or if everything is perfect.

Now pay close attention to the future of the war. "

Einar held the revolver in his right hand and pointed at the pig. When he knew where to shoot, he opened fire.

When the first shot could be heard, everyone was surprised by the thunderous noise. It was not as loud as dynamite.

But that was only the beginning. Einar used his finger to lift the hammer again and turned the barrel of the weapon.

At that point, he fired again, repeated the same process another 3 times until he ran out of bullets.

Leaving the revolver on the table, he asked them to come closer so he could see the damage on the pig.

When everyone arrived in front of the corpse of the pig, they were surprised by what they saw, because the breastplate had holes that had been pierced, as well as the chain-mail.

When they removed them, they could see that the lead bullets were inside the pig, even some of them had broken some bones.

"This is the power of firearms. There is nothing that can resist their attack. They are lethal and kill any kind of warrior.

In the future, we will first arm these weapons for the imperial guard, soldiers, and police. All those weapons will serve to protect our nation.

The laws that will be created around them will be so that no civilian can have firearms in their possession.

They could only have firearms for hunting and would have to be handed over by the government through a permit.

To defend their houses, they can have crossbows or swords, but unless they have a hunting permit, no one will have firearms in their position.

Those that are made will have to be registered and there will be a very advanced control to avoid theft or loss of them. "

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