The Sage of Einar

Chapter 216 - Darian's Farewell

In the afternoon, Darían was supervising that the sacks that were full of refined salt were loaded onto their boats.


Due to the treaty he signed and the coins he had, he ended up buying a large quantity of refined salt.


Although despite this he had the opportunity to take even more refined salt as an advance payment of the goods that Einar had requested for his next return to the island.


\'To think that I would have a large quantity of refined salt stored in some warehouses, with all this salt I am sure the cost could be reduced.


But I think that if I can follow Einar\'s advice, the ideal would be to sell 100 grams of salt in 3 silver coins. That way I could easily recoup my investment.


I also believe that there will be no shortage of buyers for this salt. It does not taste bitter, and it has a beautiful white consistency that shows its quality.


However, I think it is a bit of an exaggeration to say that in my ships I have more than 1000 gold coins in refined salt; I hope my father is not surprised by the astonishing number.


Either way, it\'s a generous payment for everything I have to bring in the summer. \'


Devon, who was looking at a large number of sacks full of salt, could only breathe deeply because every time he saw one of those sacks go up to the ships.


He felt enormous pressure on him because as he was a guard very close to Darían; he knew how much each of those sacks was worth.


So having to take care of sacks that contained 10 gold coins in each one in refined salt was a real challenge.


Mainly because the return trip would possibly be dangerous for the Vikings who were inhabiting the different regions that were in the north.


\'I just hope that our trip can go well and that none of these sailors know the true value of this merchandise.


The last thing I want is to have to suffer a riot in the middle of the sea where the only options are to kill or die, how complicated my job is.


Maybe the only good thing is that when I return, I will be able to see my family again. This place made me realize that I should really care more about them ... \'



Davon interrupted his thoughts when one of the crew members that was carrying a wooden box yelled at him.


"Devon, where do I have to put this wooden box!"


Devon sighed silently and began to walk to where the crew member was, as he had to show him where to put the pieces of glass he was carrying in that box.


The whole process to upload the goods lasted until night, so when they finished they all began to head towards the center of the town because Einar had prepared a farewell meal for them.


When they arrived, they found some large tables which were specially arranged so that everyone could sit down and enjoy the food that was for them.


Because he had the materials to make bread and some other things in large quantities, Einar did not hesitate to spend a little time and resources to be able to make a farewell dinner.


This was mainly because he wanted to leave a good impression and also wanted to show the new and more varied gastronomy of the tribe.


Darían, who was already seated, looked curiously at the two sons of Einar, who were sitting in front of him.


The two children seemed to be telling some anecdotes of what they had done in their afternoon, as they did, so he decided to turn his head so he could see the other children.


They were the children of Juni, Sven\'s second wife, although she still did not understand why children were privileged to sit at the Jarl\'s family table.


But despite his doubts, he said nothing because it was a matter that did not correspond to him and could get him in serious trouble in case any comment he made could be considered an insult.


As he watched the children, he heard some people approaching when he turned his head to see who they were.


He realized that it was Jarl Sven with a happy face as he hugged his two wives around the waist.


Sven, noticing Darían\'s surprised face, could only laugh "Sorry I\'m happy enough, but today I received one of the best news I\'ve ever had in my life."


They would give with curiosity and being careful of the words that he wanted to say. So he waits for Sven and his wives to sit down.


"I hope my question is not taken aggressively or as an insult, but I am curious to know the reason for your joy.


Because this is the first time I have seen him behave this way. "


Sven shook his head "I understand what you are thinking and I think I have never shown a happy face, but answering your question I am happy because I just found out that I will be a father again.


But not only that but there will also be my grandchildren. Just thinking that I will be able to take care of all of them makes me quite happy.


For a warrior like me who has fought in distant places and against all kinds of people, being able to increase my family is only a sign of prosperity in the tribe.


Who knows, maybe in the future I could invite you to the party that I will celebrate when my grandchildren and my children are born.


Although I would be lying if I didn\'t tell you that I am also quite happy because we will be able to have milk liqueur again, while we enjoy the delicious baked bread, the carrot cream ... "


Pausing, Sven looked seriously at Darían "But the best would be the buttered seal meat, as I heard from Einar. Thanks to the spices that you brought the taste will be even better than it ever was.


Either way, just remember that all the food you\'ve been consuming this week is going to be completely dwarfed by what you\'re going to be able to try. "


Sven, after saying those words, turned his head and began to look at the children "Are you also happy to know that you will have new brothers or sisters and new uncles or aunts?"


Juni\'s children showed joy because they knew that they could play one more with their brothers or sisters when they were born.


Daven and Laura attended and were quite happy.


"I\'m a quite happy grandpa, I\'ll be able to play with them and take care of them, but I\'m sure Daven should be the most content."


Daven, with a smile, nodded after hearing Laura\'s words. "It may not seem like grandpa, but I\'m also happy with the news. But do my mothers and father know?"


Sven, who was quite enthusiastic, stroked Daven\'s hair after stretching out his hands "Of course, it was a special surprise for you because we knew that you would be the ones who would be most happy about this news.


Either way, you must all remember and you must always take care of your family. "


Sven turning his head looked at Darían with a forced smile "I hope you don\'t mind what I will say, but what I will say may be offensive to you Christians."


Darían shook his head "Go ahead, don\'t worry about me. Unlike my peers, I understand that everyone has a way of seeing everything.


In addition, the most important thing for me is to generate a stable income and as a merchant, I cannot get angry about comments because it would be bad for the business. "


Sven, hearing this, just nodded and began to look at the children "As I was saying, children, you must always remember to stick together as a family.


Well, do not make the same mistakes that Christian noble families make. Many times I have been able to see with my own eyes how a family dispute ends up with entire families.


Personally, I have even been a participant in their fights because, in our travels, many nobles hired us but eliminated members of their own families.


They must remember that although power is important if the family is lost from sight then it has no value because if you do not take care of and love your family.


Power does not make sense because you will not be able to take care of your people, because you will lack many things.


Someday I will tell you the stories that your grandfather used to tell, but that day you will have to wait because the food is already close. "


After saying those words, the children were quite moved because they could see how some servants began to come out of the Great Hall, carrying large metal trays with plates of food on top.


The servants went from table to table, leaving plates of food, while others carrying glasses began to place them on the tables.


Einar, who was supervising everything, only showed a proud face because his training with the servants had worked, because they could behave like real waiters.


\'I suppose they have a lot to fix, but for being a modern demeanor brought in and adapted to antiquity, it can be quite good.


It\'s a shame that due to the time and place where we are, it cannot create fast-food places, although perhaps in the future it will be able to do so within the border.


I think it will be quite nice to try, but I have the doubt about how historians will react in the future. Will they say it was something new or will they have the nerve to call me an alien… \'


Einar only began to laugh when he imagined some presenter from the history channel speaking seriously while saying with confidence that Einar\'s work had been made possible by aliens.

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