The Great Thief

Chapter 1729 - You Really Wanna Fight?

Chapter 1729: You Really Wanna Fight?

“Could it have been a personal enemy of yours?” Heart of War continued to ask.

“I already changed my name. Who would know who I am? I’ve only been in the game for a few days and I haven’t encountered anyone,” Chase You Hehe defended himself, emphasizing his innocence.

“We don’t know how they got to know your identity then. These Ruling Sword people...”

“What Ruling Sword people? Weren’t they from Judgement Spear?” Although he hadn’t been in Dawn for long, Chase You Hehe was considered a pretty knowledgeable player. He has heard about the recent developments with Ruling Sword, and the fact that he was involved in a few big battles between Gangnam Royals and Ruling Sword.

In Chase You Hehe’s heart, Ruling Sword was his number one enemy after he had entered Dawn.

And though he graduated from the Beijing Film Academy in acting, he still wasn’t going to mess with anyone he wanted.

“This is what we’ll do. I’ll find someone to go over and talk it over with them, maybe you weren’t careful and wronged them before. Don’t go around showing off your acting skills like this again, we simply can’t keep playing along with your games,” Heart of War may’ve been even more of a bad egg than his little bro, but now, he was much more professional; no longer acting without restraint like Chase You Hehe.

Chase You Hehe was someone with a very dark heart. He liked to see others with hopeless expressions, and he could even enjoy some pleasant feelings from others’ disappointment. He would usually gain someone’s trust, then at the right moment he would kick them when they were down. This sort of ‘prank’ was sometimes done to girls, tricking his targets physically and mentally, before trampling them with hatred. Occasionally, he’d also mess around with some kids who to have great potential but were just poor little kids.

“I’ve been killed...” In his moment of anger, Chase You Hehe actually forgot how many times he had been killed.

“Even if you were killed a hundred times, it doesn’t change what we should do. It’s not good for us now to get into a fight with Ruling Sword,” Heart of War advised. It wasn’t like Heart of War to be humble and bear humiliation quietly. But he knew better than everyone what might happen afterwards if they provoked Lu Li.

“Bro, this isn’t like you,” Chase You Hehe commented.

“For the sake of Gangnam Royals, you don’t even know what your brother’s been enduring,” Heart of War put his arm around his brother’s shoulder and sighed, “Do you know that this whole year your bro’s been the laughingstock? The pain you’ve had to bear really isn’t much.” What Chase You Hehe held in his feelings because of Heart of War’s sad story.

According to the description of the paladin given by the mage, Heart of War guessed that the opposition was probably Ruling Sword’s highly ranked Her Tears. Jianghu people called him Lil’ Soft Big Bro. He’d never submit to Lil’ Soft Big Bro!

This person was one of Ruling Sword’s loose cannons. They didn’t know why Lu Li would still keep him by his side. And clearly they weren’t afraid that he’d provoke someone he wasn’t meant to.

According to Heart of War’s guess, it was probably that Chase You Hehe had offended someone, and this person had got Her Tears to come to deal with him. Her Tears probably didn’t know about Chase You Hehe’s background, so that’s why there is a misunderstanding.

“Lil’ Soft Big Bro, what are you busy doing?” Hearts of War personally contacted Her Tears after a friend invite— good thing they didn’t reject it.

“Oh, it’s you, I’m busy killing someone. What do you want me for?” Her Tears replied calmly and confidently. He was completely unaware of what he has been killing a Gangnam Royal member over and over.

“Lil’ Soft Big Bro, is there some misunderstanding between us? Aren’t you looking for high-level players to compete against? Why are you killing this little sock puppet?” Heart of War asked while he contained his temper.

“There’s no misunderstanding, he’s the one we’re killing,” Her Tears spoke honestly.

“He’s just a sock puppet. How could he have done anything against you?” Heart of War said with anger but with some curiosity.

“I don’t know either. Anyway, all I know is that my quest was to kill someone named Chase Me Hehe,” Her Tears casually answered. He never cared about why he had to kill someone.

As for these difficult people that he brought with them, as soon as they heard that their target was from Gangnam Royals, they just focused on killing them.

Given enough time, those who played games would eventually bump into some evil tyrants. And in China, the guild with the evilest people was Gangnam Royals. Even if someone hadn’t been personally victimized by the Gangnam Royals, they’d definitely have some distant relative or acquaintance who had had an unfortunate encounter.

Under Heart of War’s leadership, Gangnam Royals had kept quiet. However, there are still moments where they couldn’t help but turn back to their original ways of the club. Actually, Heart of War was promoting his “reformed” guild to high-level players. However, when facing low-level players they went back to their old evil ways.

“Quest?” This was a really unexpected answer.

Heart of War thought for a moment. For someone to be able to give a quest to Her Tears, it would have to be someone from the very top of Ruling Sword.

“Yeah, our Boss said that Chase You Hehe’s our new PVP activity for our new guild Judgement Spear.” Her Tears said brazenly.

“What kind of guild activity is that? Is that really necessary? Such a big guild and yet the activity for this new guild is to kill a new sock puppet?” Heart of War was shaking in anger. His Gangnam Royals had become so worthless.

“I don’t know. He didn’t say much.” Her Tears said as a matter of fact.

“Chase You Hehe’s my brother. Can I ask you to let him go?” Heart of War pleaded. He was simulating countless ways in which he would brutally murder Lu Li and his team. It’d even be good to bury Lu Li in some unmarked grave. But at the moment, all he could do was tolerate this longer.

“There’s no use begging from me, go beg from my boss. If he’s happy to let your bro go, then maybe, just maybe I’ll kill him a few times less.”

“Beg?” Heart of War was boiling with anger. He growled, “So could it be that Ruling Sword’s not afraid of starting a war again? We’ve got hundreds of thousands of people here at Gangnam Royals. We also have a few hundred Elites who are ready to fight”

“You really wanna fight?” Her Tears jumped excitedly.

Heart of War couldn’t continue. He only realized just then that he was speaking to a PK fanatic. This sort of person definitely wouldn’t consider things like circumstances—they only wanted to fight. If they didn’t kill you, they’d be killed by you. Either of these results would be pretty intense for a typical peaceful player.

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