Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 516: Sudden Attack and Panic

Chapter 516: Sudden Attack and Panic

Translator: Yamir Moon



Doron and his roommate Nara stared at the light brain in front of them. At this moment, the image displayed in their light brain was exactly that of Mike and his fleet along with the great serpent.

Guthro and Linna connected the projection video they captured to the broadcast website of United Radio. Hence, Doron, Nara, and anyone else can easily watch that battle through the United Radio website.

On the holographic screen projected by the light brain, there was the image of a terrifying serpent standing in space.

This giant serpent is extremely huge, with a body length of over a thousand kilometers. Its obsidian black scales allowed it to perfectly blend in space. The only thing that stuck out was its huge golden eyes and giant scarlet mouth.

“This…this is the giant serpent?” Doron said with an uncertain look.

“I remember that it was absolutely not that big before!”

He recalled the time when he and the giant serpent met, his brows gradually furrowed. He is sure that the giant serpent was much smaller during their first meeting. It was at least 2 to 3 times smaller.

Can star behemoths grow so much in such a short period of time?

“Is it a relative of that giant serpent?”

This thought suddenly emerged in his mind. Doron was shocked by his conjecture. If this is truly the case, then it’s too terrifying.

The giant serpent is already strong enough. Now that one of its relatives showed up, how strong will it be?

More importantly, counting the previous giant serpent and the golden behemoth, two high-level pollutants appeared one after the other. If this great serpent is truly a new undiscovered creature, doesn’t that mean that there are at least 3 high-level pollutants in their eighth heaven?

This wasn’t just Doron’s question, but the question that many people across four heavens asked themselves.

“Oh my God!!”

Beside Guthro, the war correspondent Linna looked horrified. She watched Mike and his fleet get swallowed right in front of her eyes. This is too simulating to a person who was used to peace like her.

“Miss Linna, we are not far from that the battlefield. That great serpent will never escape.”

Guthro said coldly.


Linna nodded, clutching her chest, she said with a slightly scared expression.

“Lord Guthro, please be sure to save the lives of those soldiers.”

She can also see that the remnant fleet is not the opponent of that monster. If they don’t rush over as quickly as possible, there is a possibility that none of them will survive.

“Don’t worry, we will be there soon.”

Guthro comforted again.

Linna nodded, she stopped talking, but anyone could see that her mood hadn’t calmed down. At the moment, she was trying her best to calm her inner emotions.


In space, Fang Yun roared again. He knew that an extremely powerful fleet was rushing towards him, so at this moment, he launched a frantic slaughter. He knows that his time is running out.


He directly launched an “Annihilation Antimatter bomb”, turning dozens of battleships in a range of 100,000 kilometers into dust. He quickly flashed away, avoiding a rain of laser beam, then slapped a powerful battleship into pieces.

After numerous evolutions, his physical strength has reached a terrifying point.

His current strength is enough to blast through the energy shields of Eclipse-class battleships under high-speed impact. At the same time, his own defensive power and regeneration power can make him act fearlessly. Regardless of the terrifying countershock.

It was like a small planet was tumbling across speed at sub-light speed. No ship in his way could escape the fate of destruction. Whether it’s the ordinary cargo spaceships or the advanced battleships, none could survive under his frantic attacks.

Soon after, thousands of battleships were destroyed under his mad attack, all of them were swallowed by Fang Yun, adding a great deal of bio-energy to him

For the next evolution, Fang Yun needs 180 billion bio-energy points, which is a pretty terrifying number. Only by continuously devouring these high-quality battleships can he quickly evolve.

After all, it will be difficult to evolve through devouring ordinary planets.

An ordinary rock planet with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers can provide him with between 100 million and 1 billion bio-energy points, depending on its materials.

He needs to eat between 180 to 1800 such planets to fulfill the evolution requirements.

The number of planets in space is countless. It seems very simple to reach this number, but the problem is that it will take a long time.

He can only swallow one planet of such size every day.

If he relies on eating such planets to evolve, it might even take 1800 days to evolve. Moreover, this is not even counting the time he needs to look for these planets, then fly towards them.

So, rather than honestly slowly looking for these planets in space, he’d rather eat these spaceships or star beasts.

It might be shocking, but high-level battleships, pathogens, pollutants, and even high-level star beasts can provide more bio-energy than these simple rock planets.

After almost half an hour passed, Fang Yun suddenly disappeared. None of those spaceships could detect his position.

Now, Nadu and Pound’s fleet have lost more than 8,000 battleships in total.


In the control room of his command ship, Nadu swallowed his saliva. He stared nervously at the holographic screen in front of him.

At this moment, the dark space was displayed on their screen. Their detection instrument constantly scanned the surrounding space to prevent the giant serpent from suddenly appearing and attacking their command ship, like what it did to Mike.

As time passed bit by bit, the space in this area seemed to be frozen. The battleships stretched over a million square kilometers, keeping a distance that is neither close nor far, always keeping attention on their surroundings.

After more than half an hour, ripples appeared in the void in a certain area of the battlefield.

“Be careful!!”

Seeing this scene, the two leaders, Nadu and Pound yelled loudly, but their nervousness quickly disappeared, replaced by relaxation.

Things are different from what they thought. What appeared wasn’t the great serpent but their support fleet.

The reinforcements led by Guthro.

An extremely large fleet appeared in this space area, quickly protecting Nadu and Pound’s fleet in the middle.

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