Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 355: Warrior

Chapter 355: Warrior


"Elia," Gahrye said, with a glance at Kalle, "I know you\'re tired. Why don\'t we take our meals up to the room?"

Irritation and hot anger speared through her. Why was everyone always trying to manage her, or manipulate her? Why couldn\'t she just be here and deal with her life without so many people making demands or… hovering?

But then she did shudder and suddenly Gahrye\'s warnings made sense. She\'d been fighting the beast for so long now that she was beginning to be able to ignore the signs of it. It was becoming a part of her.

That wasn\'t good. "Maybe that\'s a good idea," she said quietly, and pushed out her chair to get to her feet.

Gahrye looked at Kalle again and Elia wasn\'t sure why that bugged her, but he got up and gathered his things. "Have a good day at work," he said quietly to Kalle. But he didn\'t touch her, or stop to hold her.

Elia\'s stomach clenched.

"Before you go," Shaw said as she started to walk towards the door. "That interview… I really would like the opportunity to show you why it\'s important that we\'re able to do it—"

"Not. Today," Elia snapped.

"I\'m sorry, Your Highness—"

"Would you stop calling me that! I am not a highness. The best title is Sire, but would never ask it of you. Just call me Elia!" she snarled.

Shaw went still, his expression stiff. "There is no need to be angry, Sire. I only wished to give you your due."

"Then accept it when I tell you I will not speak about that… that evil that is in the traverse. No person should be forced to relive it—let alone a pregnant female!"

"You didn\'t worry enough about that to avoid the traverse in the first place," Shaw shot back and Elia felt herself go.

She hadn\'t defended. Hadn\'t prepared herself for an assault from this fat little beetle of a man. So when he threw a shot at her, something within her just snapped.

"You will not speak to me that way," she snarled, her voice becoming rough and guttural.

"Elia," Gahrye said, now directly behind her. "Let\'s go."

Shaw sniffed. "I am doing everything I can to help and you treat me as if I am an irritation to you."

"Deal with it! I was forced to come here for the safety of myself and my child and I will not have you trying to force me into your research simply because it suits!"

Shaw\'s head jerked back and he opened his mouth.

"Uncle, I don\'t think—" Kalle began, but he was too quick for her.

"Can we even be certain you are here for safety, Elia? Do you know the Anima have never requested the use of a house before? Yet, here you are, supposedly Queen, and with a disformed Cohort, and an Anima pregnancy? I begin to wonder if we have been deceived, and that is why you want the house, so no Anima who might come through will be able to point a finger at you."

"WHAT?!" she growled.

"Okay, that\'s enough," Gahrye said, taking her plate and handing it to Kalle who\'d also gotten up. He took Elia\'s hand and tried to lead her away from the table. "Let\'s go get some rest."

But Elia yanked out of his grip and strode over to put her finger in Shaw\'s face. "I just fought for a year to be recognized and respected as Queen, and now you would remove it from me? YOU?!"

"Elia," Gahrye snapped.

"Yes," Shaw said, lips pressed thin. "Yes, I would question whether or not you are truly an Anima Queen—"

She didn\'t hear what Gahrye bellowed, or what Shaw screamed like a woman as she burst into Beast form.



"Oh my," Shaw said quietly, his eyes as wide and round as tea mugs.



Without thought Gahrye flowed to put himself between Kalle and Elia as Elia\'s beast emerged, snarling and crouched, tail lashing.

"Elia! Elia, you can\'t do this here! Please! You\'re safe and you are my Queen! You are the Queen of Anima and your King is waiting for you… Elia, please. You have to dominate. You have to… you have…" he trailed off because while the Beast was not threatening him, it kept shifting, peering around or behind him to find Shaw, a low growl puttering in her great chest.

She was huge, filling the entire space between the dining table.

"Shaw get Kalle the fuck out of here, right now," Gahrye hissed without turning around, keeping himself between her and Elia.

"Is it enough to go into the next room or will we need to leave the property?" Shaw asked calmly. If Gahrye hadn\'t been so intent on blocking Elia\'s view of them, he would have turned to gape. Was the man actually insane?

"Uncle," Kalle said softly, her voice tense and shaking, "Leave through the kitchen, tell the staff to leave. Tell them we don\'t need them today. Do NOT tell them we have a lion in here. Get everybody out and off the grounds."

"But I need to observe—"

"NOW!" Gahrye and Kalle barked at him at the same time.

"Okay, okay. Just… you must let me interview you tomorrow and learn how she—"

"Uncle!" Kalle hissed.

"I swear to the Creator, Shaw," Garhye snarled, "if you don\'t get out of this house right now—"

"I\'m going! I\'m going," the man said and his voice was already fading. "But we are speaking of this tomorrow!" he called as he disappeared through the door into the kitchen and Gahrye relaxed a hair.

Elia\'s beast snorted the air from her nose. But then her eyes met his and it hit him then, her dominance, her strength.

And he didn\'t know what was the best course—to try to dominate her, to help Elia overcome? Or to submit? Would submission remove him as a threat, or turn him into prey?"

"I don\'t know what to do, Elia," he said quietly. "I need your help here. I\'m so sorry… I don\'t know what to do."


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