The Greatest Sinner

Chapter 58 - Reverse Death

The scythe blade was covered in ice and the next moment Evan swung his weapon with lightning speed. He had miscalculated its power a bit along with the "Ice Veil". A thick layer of ice spread across the wall, followed by many cracks. Evan had succumbed to his emotions, causing the Sitreg`s forge was crumbling now just before their eyes.

As for the blacksmith, he didn\'t even understand what was happening. He could never have imagined that Evan would do something like this.


"Oh..." Evan was discouraged, but he quickly came to his senses. The forge was about to collapse so he had to get out, and as quickly as possible.

Like Evan, Sitreg also hurried to the exit, but suddenly, right above him, the stone ceiling collapsed. The pile of stones practically collapsed on the blacksmith.

Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh.

Suddenly a green magic circle appeared next to Sitreg, from which several vines sprang out. Each of them rushed toward the stones and held them up for a while.


Evan swung the scythe and rushed to Sitreg. He grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and dragged him out of the forge, which in a minute was nothing but ruins.


Evan removed the green apple from the tip of his blade and nonchalantly proceeded to eat it.

"Boy...what have you done?" Sitreg asked confusedly.

Sure, his forge was very old and decrepit, but it was still a long way from being destroyed. What\'s more, Sitreg had no other home, much less money for one.


Evan took another bite, looked at his scythe, and muttered.

"How should I name you..."

"How about – "Reverse Death"? As for me, it`s a great name."


Sitreg didn\'t understand why Evan wasn\'t paying attention to him.


The white blade of the scythe went back inside and the weapon became a spear again. Evan turned around and said: "Don\'t worry, old man, follow me. I think I can solve this problem, it won\'t be long before you have a new forge."

The young man went forward with a gesture calling Sitreg to follow him. Evan understood that destroying the home of the man who forged your weapon was not good to say the least. But it had already happened and he couldn`t change it. So as there was no home at all now, a new one should be found.

Sitreg was a talented blacksmith and his talent should not be lost in such a rotten place. Of course, Sitreg was partly to blame for this situation, since he hadn\'t want to take boring orders. Nevertheless, Evan had one person who could unleash his talent.

"Hey, boy, where are we going?"

"To someone, who will look at "Reverse Death" and give you the best materials and orders in all of Mossy Vulture." Calmly Evan said as he finished his apple.

Sitreg tried to find out more about where they were going, but Evan simply said: "You\'ll see for yourself soon. Why spoil the intrigue, aren\'t you curious?"


After a while, they reached the big, snow-white gate. And while Sitreg was amazed at the size of the manor, Evan was already used to the sight. Just like the last time, the guards let Evan inside without any problems. Lately, he had been stopping by Marcel\'s house even more often than Zak.

Evan quickly found Marcel, he was still in the same tea house. Marcel was drinking red wine and thinking about something.

"Evan, who is with you?"

Marcel was not surprised to see Evan, but he had never met Sitreg before. Moreover, because of recent events and many days of work on "Reverse Death" Sitreg looked rather unsightly, but Marcel did not pay attention to his appearance. His gaze was directed to Sitreg\'s hands. They were dirty, all sooty, but Marcel knew immediately that Sitreg was some kind of craftsman.

"This is the man I ordered my weapon from. Here it is."

Evan brought the "Reverse Death" forward so Marcel could get a good look at it.

Marcel thought to himself, <What an exquisite spear! The materials are not ordinary and hard to work with, but the weapon is perfect. Wait a minute, what is that?>


The moment Marcel noticed the recess in the weapon itself, Evan pressed a button and the gears came into motion.


The snow-white blade came out, slicing through the air.

When Marcel saw it, he said: "This is a very interesting weapon. I did not expect that it is not really a spear, but a scythe. It proves the skill of the blacksmith who`s forged it, I am amazed."

Evan and Sitreg smiled. Sitreg was pleased to hear his praise, and Evan was pleased that everything was going according to his plan.

<Isn\'t that the stem of "Bloody Perversity"? Why is it here and why did he cut this plant?>

Marcel did not understand Sitreg\'s actions. He thought that because of his limited knowledge, the blacksmith did not even know that he was working with the "Bloody Perversity" and that`s why he spoiled the plant. In this case, however, Marcel was wrong.


Evan squeezed the "Reverse Death" tighter, and the next moment there was a layer of blue ice on the crimson sprout. Like the last time, the sprout was a kind of guide for the "Ice Veil". The sprout transferred the ice and all the power of the spell to the white blade.

"That\'s just superb work. I didn\'t expect to find such a skilled and talented blacksmith in Mossy Vulture." Marcel muttered slowly.

He turned to Sitreg and asked: "And why haven\'t I met you anywhere before? What is your name?"

"Sitreg Stormfall." The man answered quickly.

Marcel wanted to say something, but Evan beat him to it.

"Mr. Marcel, I have some business to attend to, so I\'ll tell you at once why I came here. It just so happens that Sitreg\'s forge has been destroyed, but it was clearly not the best place for such a master." Evan said calmly.

Marcel nodded.

"Of course, I see."

After these words, Evan said goodbye and left hurriedly. Like he`d said, he was a bit busy and wanted Sitreg and Marcel alone.

"Mr. Sitreg, have a seat. I would like to offer you a mutually beneficial cooperation."

Sitreg nodded confidently and sat down next to Marcel. Because of his hard and laborious work, Sitreg was dusty and his clothes were dirty, but Marcel was not at all embarrassed by this. All he saw with his own eyes was the talent and the man who had managed to forge the unusual weapon.

"I believe the proper conditions are necessary to give you your best exposure. Mr. Sitreg, do you specialize only in weapons or are you capable of making armor and accessories as well?" Marcel began.

"Weapons are my forte, but I\'m not afraid to take on other work, as long as the idea is interesting..."


While Sitreg and Marcel were making small talk, Evan was on his way home. He needed to reach the "Beginner"`s stage of the "Magic Missile" before the tournament. What\'s more, he wanted to practice his new weapon to the fullest.

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