Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 534 - Magic Bri… Grapes

Large-scale armed confrontations took place at several locations around the city yesterday, but they ended quickly. There were a few casualties among the soldiers, but not a single civilian was killed in the fighting The battles proceeded with considerable restraint.

It was said that the heads of all the troops in the city had been changed. This should have been a big deal.

But the actual noise that was made was minimal.

This wasn’t reasonable.

At any other time, when there was such a dramatic change in the military hierarchy, there would have been numerous casualties and a large number of commoners involved.

This time it was so quick that many of the nobles in the city didn’t even realize what happened before things settled down.

The merchants’ eyes almost fell out in surprise.

With their intelligence network, they didn’t understand what was going on.

It wasn’t until a few of the chamber of commerce’s big shots who were “invited” to the mayor’s residence and then released, all limp and weak, spoke up that the city’s dignitaries got a hint of what was going on.

It seemed that a temporary lord had come and clashed with the previous leaders of the army, such as Judson.

Then, within three hours, the leaders were replaced.

Now they were all detained in the mayor’s residence.

The nobles and merchants who heard about this couldn’t help but feel a little frightened.

This new temporary lord was a ruthless one. What does he like!

How should we approach him, how should we appease him?

With the support of such ideas, the big shots of the city started taking action. They walked around, visited each other, and asked who knew about the new temporary lord.

The more they walked around, the more surprised they were. What was the origin of the new temporary lord, and why did they have no information about him?

Roland had already arrived in the basement of the mayor’s residence.

He had no intention to hide the entrance, but he had set up three big stone doors at the entrance stairway to prevent outsiders from entering the basement.

Then he began to dig a circular cavity with a radius of 100 meters with magic.

He turned the earthen wall of this cavity into extremely hard rock walls with Mud to Rock.

A purely circular shape already had a strong load-bearing capacity, not to mention a wall reinforced with magic, so even if a hundred-meter radius cavity was opened underneath the mayor’s residence, it would not sink the mayor’s residence on the ground, and even if multiple residences were built on top of it, there would be no problem.

It took Roland nearly six days to open this cavity.

When he came out of the basement, the steward immediately greeted him.

“Mr. Roland, you’ve finally come out. All the nobles in the city are planning to hold a joint banquet. Everything has been prepared and they are just waiting for you to come out. The venue of the banquet is the Barker Chamber of Commerce’s Square in the city—it’s very spacious and can accommodate thousands of people.” The steward handed over a rather beautiful gold invitation. “They ask that you attend, sir, and they hope to welcome you.”

“It’s not an ambush[1], is it?”

There was no such word in this world, but Language Proficiency automatically transformed the word into a statement with the same meaning.

The steward shook his head vigorously. “No, absolutely not. They wouldn’t dare.”

Roland thought about it, took the invitation, and said, “Set it for the evening-I’ll be there in the evening.”

The steward was relieved. “I’ll go immediately to inform them now.”

The steward had been under tremendous pressure for some time now. Everyone was asking him when Roland would come out of the basement.

These people didn’t dare to rush Roland, so they could only trust the steward to ask him to come out.

But how could the steward dare? He had no idea what kind of personality and temper the temporary lord had, so what if the temporary lord hated to be disturbed while studying magic so much that when he got angry he turned people into animals or burned them to death? Wouldn’t that be a meaningless death?

He was afraid to go find Roland, but the nobles wanted him to go.

Whether a steward was powerful or not, whether a steward had any panache and respect outside, depended on the status and strength of the master.

The temporary lord seemed to be powerful, but the steward didn’t dare to rely on Roland’s background for now, so he could only bear the expectations of all the nobles in the city, and the pressure brought by these expectations.

Fortunately, Roland had come out.

If the steward had to wait a few more days, he felt that he might have been depressed enough to commit suicide.

Roland took a shower. Having stayed underground for a few days, although he didn’t sweat much, he wasn’t a god; he would sweat some and his body would inevitably smell.

After the shower, he closed his eyes and rested for a while. Of course, he stayed in the guest room. The First Princess Stephanie’s master bedroom, with all its feminine furniture and decorations, was not a place he was comfortable staying in.

It took almost an hour for all his magic power to regenerate, and it just happened to be evening by then.

Roland went downstairs, got into the carriage that the steward had prepared, and leisurely went to the banquet venue.

There were already a lot of luxurious carriages parked there. The venue was closely protected by soldiers sent by Fauci, who surrounded the perimeter of the banquet with around four hundred men.

As soon as Roland got off, the sharp-eyed Fauci saw him and immediately shouted, “The mayor has arrived, everyone, be quiet.” The clamor immediately stopped, and nearly a thousand well-dressed gentlemen and noblewomen turned their heads to look over.

Their eyes were filled with curiosity, suspicion, and even hidden hostility.

Roland waved his hand at them and calmly walked down the stone pathway into the middle of the banquet.

The crowd parted like waves, and Roland came to the center of the banquet, where there was a small elevated platform on which one could stand with a single step and look down on every corner of the square.

There were many soldiers standing around the small white stone platform.

Fauci was among them.

Roland hesitated for a moment, but finally, he stood on the platform.

Faces looked up at him, and in the darkness and candlelight, they were like masks of a brilliant life, with a thousand looks and a thousand expressions.

“I’m a Mage, I don’t like to talk too much, and time is quite valuable to me.” Roland’s gaze swept around the square and continued, “You invited me over and welcomed me, but I’m not happy, and certainly not angry-I just feel a little annoyed because I don’t like to waste time.”

People were surprised, and after a few seconds of silence, a clamorous discussion finally took place. But these voices were still too quiet, blending together like the sound of a rushing tide. “More than a thousand people, I think everyone who is well-known is here. That’s good. Now, I’m going to say what I think.” Roland used Sound Amplification on himself to silence the noisy discussion of the crowd. “I have no intention of changing the rules of this city, nor do I want to change any divisions of power. As for the issue of the army changing leaders a few days ago, that was because they don’t want to recognize me as a temporary lord. Just because I’m easy to talk to doesn’t mean I’ll just stand around stupidly and be bullied.”

The guests listened attentively.

“As long as no one messes with me, I naturally don’t mess with them, it’s as simple as that.” Roland clapped his hands. “Okay, now that I’ve come and the matter has been discussed, it’s time to leave. Feel free to do whatever you want now; the cost of the banquet will be on my account. Tomorrow, the organizer of the banquet may bring the bill to the mayor’s residence to ask for the money.”

The guests were shocked to hear that Roland was leaving immediately.

What kind of operation is this, when the main guest arrives and immediately leaves?

Roland didn’t wait for them to react. He started teleportation and appeared directly outside the square, and then got into his carriage.

Only after Roland left did the astonished guests come back to their senses.

Then everyone shouted incredulously.

The combined sound was like the hiss of steam spewing out of a pressure cooker.

Back at the mayor’s residence, Roland went straight down to the basement, and after lowering the three stone doors, he floated down to the bottom, wearing a full set of magic regeneration equipment and the small round shield that Angel Nia had given him pinned to his arm.

The small round shield provided an increase in max magic power and a small amount of magic regeneration speed.

Roland then began to gather his own magic power and manifested it in his hand.

Normally, pure magical elements were colorless.

However, when they gathered together and reached a certain concentration, they formed a transparent solid.

This process took Roland nearly a minute. In his hand was a white, glass-like ball.

It looked fragile... and was also fragile in reality, but when it exploded, its power would be quite amazing.

This was a magic energy cluster, not yet a magic brick.

There were very few people who could do this. Most of the Legendary Mages could do it, but there weren’t many Legendary Mages.

He tossed the magic energy ball lightly in his hand. It felt light and bright... Roland looked at his mana bar, and one-seventh of his magic power was gone.



One-seventh didn’t sound like much, but to be clear, Roland was now equipped with a full set of equipment that increased max magic power and magic regeneration.

He added all his stats to intelligence, had two epic equipment that increases magic power, had the blessing of providence and a title, and his max magic power was already more than five times the normal Mage of the same level.

This transparent mass of energy, the average Mage couldn’t create it even if they compressed all of their magic power.

The magic brick, on the other hand, was a further compression of the energy ball.

Roland closed his eyes for the second time and sent out all of his mental power, splitting it into threads and winding them around the energy ball densely until the magic energy was completely encompassed. Finally, he used his mental power to contract it hard, squeezing the energy cluster as hard as possible.

The energy cluster in the palm of his hand became smaller and smaller.

As its size became smaller, the color of the energy cluster also changed slowly. From light blue to aquamarine, and finally a completely opaque murky blue.

At this time, the magic energy cluster had changed from the size of an apple to the size of a grape.

When this step was completed, it was officially a “magic brick.”

However, Roland’s craftsmanship was not good enough to make it into a brick shape. It was made in a circular shape.

And it was quite small.

[1] Original phrasing Hongmen feast; a banquet set up with the aim of murdering a guest

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