Marvel's Superman

Chapter 450 - 447 | Kryptonian Cousin, Young Feelings.

But secretly, all the funds for those activities were invested in the construction of the treadmill that could help them travel through time and space.

"Fooling Cyborg isn\'t easy."

The Flash turned into a red streak, quickly running back and forth across the room, the sound of which reached Luke\'s ears with unerring accuracy.

This seemed illogical because no matter who was moving at super speed, every word they spoke would be torn apart by the airflow.

But the Speed Force was so illogical that even if Newton and Einstein were dug up from their graves, it would baffle them.

"It\'s okay; there\'s Dr Wayne."

Luke believed in Batman.

Whether it was Thomas Wayne or his son.

Everyone who became Gotham\'s Dark Knight would be versed in taking advantage of the trust of their teammates to deceive and exploit.

It sounded like slander, but it was actually some kind of compliment.

After all, this was the gritty DC universe.

It was impossible for every superhero to be as sunny as Superman or the Flash.

Batman, like Gotham, moved in the dark.

"You seem to know us well?"

Barry chatted while working.

Through these days, he found that Luke, the Kryptonian cousin, seemed to know a lot of things.

Like the formation of the Justice League and the story and origin of each member.

The other side could say a few words, and maybe some of the details were wrong, but the general direction was correct.

This puzzled Barry, knowing that in his time and space in the main universe, Clark never had a cousin.

Oh, there was one cousin, Supergirl, Kara, a beautiful blond.

"What\'s wrong with that? Clark and I have different personalities, Barry."

Luke smiled and whispered.

"I\'m not as passive as he is, always waiting for things to happen and then solve them. I like to grasp the initiative. So, after coming to Earth, the first thing I did was to collect information and analyse the data."

Barry stopped, rubbed his chin, and lamented, "That\'s more like Batman\'s work."

Luke was noncommittal and continued to look at the video on his computer.

A female reporter named Louise Lane was reporting live from Australia.

During the time when Luke and the Flash teamed up, the \'United Kingdoms\' formed by Atlantis and Themyscira made an appearance in the human world.

Two days ago, Hippolyta, the Amazon Queen, and the King of Atlantis, together, sent a request for a diplomatic meeting to all countries.

This was the first contact that shocked the whole world!

The extent of its sensation and the scope of its influence could hardly be summarised.

Luke wasn\'t surprised. He was responsible for the trade diplomacy between Atlantis and the land world in the Marvel world.

Those media reports, the national response, had already been staged once in another world.

Luke\'s only worry was probably that, according to the distortion of the Flashpoint world, this peaceful diplomacy wouldn\'t end successfully.

\'Accidents will happen, but I don\'t know when. It\'s really a headache. \'

Luke lifted up his head and thought silently.

Themyscira and Atlantis would be fighting, causing World War III. That was the main story of Flashpoint.

"By the way, Luke, have you found Clark\'s whereabouts?"

Seeing that the Kryptonian cousin was a little distracted, Barry thought the other party was worried about Superman.

Before, from Cyborg\'s mouth, they found out that there was a secret base under Metropolis, as well as the military\'s ongoing \'Project Superman\'.

However, considering that the Cosmic Treadmill wasn\'t finished yet, the Flash didn\'t directly go to rescue him.

"From the first day I arrived in Metropolis, I found out where the secret base was located."

Luke\'s mouth turned up. It was just a reinforced concrete building. How could it stop him?

However, after an in-depth investigation inside the base, he found that the scientists had really developed a lot of things.

For example, lead was used to block Super Vision, and red sun-like radiation suppressed Kryptonian cells ...

\'I\'m afraid this was also the reason why Superman still couldn\'t get out from under the military\'s control even after he became an adult.

"As Dr Wayne said, I can\'t act immediately; it will alarm the government."

Luke tapped his finger on the desktop as if he was thinking.

"But the Cosmic Treadmill is almost finished, and tonight may be the right time."

Barry nodded. He could finish this treadmill by tomorrow at the latest.

If all the friends from S.T.A.R.Labs were here, with Cisco and Caitlin, he could shorten the time by half.

"I don\'t know what happened to Clark. I hope he\'s okay."

Barry\'s eyes flashed a touch of worry. Putting the words \'military\' and \'Superman\' together would always produce some bad connotations.

"I hope so."

Luke stopped tapping his fingers. He thought that after rescuing Superman, he would go to Themyscira and meet Diana.

It was best to work with the Flash to correct the mistakes of the FlashPoint world before an accident happened.

This was the perfect plan.



Sydney Opera House, Australia.

Representatives from every country had arrived and were waiting for Themyscira and Atlantis to speak.

One was from the land, and the other was from the sea.

The alliance between these two civilisations and two countries shocked the world.

In the face of the \'United Kingdoms\', which had a longer heritage and a richer foundation, mankind showed a friendly attitude.

Diplomacy, peace talks, trade, exchanges ...

These were all proceeding steadily.

"I don\'t like attending such occasions."

Diana looked at the silky white evening dress and spoke unhappily.

"You are the Amazon Princess, the best female warrior of Themyscira. How can you be absent from such an important meeting?"

Hippolyta chided softly.

"Don\'t be capricious; this is the best time to reveal ourselves to the outside world."

Diana\'s mouth was pouted. She couldn\'t refute her mother. She could only whisper, "I\'d rather take part in a battle than wear a costume that\'s completely inappropriate for combat."

According to the usual thinking of Amazon warrior women, this kind of tailored evening dress was no match for battle armour.

This was true in terms of defence and the influence of wielding spears and swords.

Could a few pieces of stitched fabric withstand an enemy\'s attack?

"Themyscira seeks peace. It can be achieved not only on the battlefield but also at the negotiating table."

Hippolyta\'s words were very serious.

Diana was too young and inexperienced. She still lacked experience in how to become a Queen.

"I promise you, when this meeting is over, you can move freely, and I\'ll let you look for that male traveller."

Seeing her daughter\'s reluctant expression, the Amazon Queen relented and had to say so.

The young man who left Themyscira in a hurry seemed to have taken Diana\'s heart with him.

"I don\'t want to look for him! That guy still owes me a gift. There\'s a saying in the world of man ... It\'s natural and absolutely legal to ask people for something you were owed."

Diana held her head high and tried to act heroic.

Hippolyta shook her head, not exposing her daughter\'s true thoughts.

"Remember, it\'s just a man, Diana."

Before leaving the room, the Amazon Queen warned.

"He may not be ordinary, he could fight the sea monster of Atlantis alone and could leave Themyscira on his own, but no matter what, he\'s a mortal man. Compared with a demigod\'s life, his life is too short."

Hippolyta did notice something unusual about Luke; the other party had a very faint aura of the gods.

He was probably cared for by someone on Mount Olympus.

This wasn\'t surprising. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, the group of gods, loved to live in the human world.

Occasionally, when they were in a good mood, they would bless some mortals.

Therefore, the Amazon Queen\'s attitude was quite good, and she didn\'t treat the mortal man like other prisoners.

"What\'s wrong with mortal men?"

Diana recalled the vague dream that Luke, like a mighty warrior, had cleanly and efficiently dealt with the sea monster.

That tall and sturdy figure, like a brand, burned a mark in her heart.

When Hippolyta heard her daughter\'s argument, she sighed deeply and looked helpless.

The Prince of Atlantis, the young man, named Arthur, seemed to be interested in Diana.

Considering the alliance between the two parties, he was actually a good choice for a political marriage.

Unfortunately, Diana wasn\'t interested in him.

"Young people\'s feelings ..."

Hippolyta sighed with emotion.

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