Marvel's Superman

Chapter 394 - 391 | How Dare You Be Class President With Such A Small Voice!

Chapter 394 - 391 How Dare You Be Class President With Such A Small Voice!

The Phoenix Force didn\'t harm the host. Charles\'s talent suddenly got out of control because he couldn\'t harness the sudden, powerful energy.

Luke slapped the flaming Phoenix in his mental world onto the ground, solving the problem in the simplest way possible.

Sure enough, when the Phoenix Force, the dominant force, became poor, weak, and helpless, Charles\'s mind regained control of its body.

The child lying in the transparent cabin slowly opened his eyes.

The gleaming flames of the fire gradually faded away and disappeared.

"Mr. Principal."

Charles looked surprised when he saw Luke.

"What happened? All I remember is … my head hurts like it was going to split open, and then I heard a jumble of voices. It sounded like a lot of people were talking in my ear …"

Charles, a good student, had a puzzled look on his face, just like an alcoholic who woke up with a hangover and couldn\'t remember anything.

The pictures in his mind were fragmented; he couldn\'t put them together.

All he remembered was that he was chatting with his sister Raven, and then he passed out.

The back of his head still hurt a little, as if he had been struck with a dull stick.

"It\'s all right."

Luke opened the transparent chamber that served as a protective measure and touched Charles\'s small head, reassuring him.

"Charles, just think of what happened as a … nightmare. Now that you\'ve woken up, the terrible memories can\'t hurt you anymore."

As an honorary school trustee and a positive figure, Luke patiently counseled Charles to prevent the future Professor X from falling ill.

It would be a headache if the latter, like the young Jean Grey, were to become evil and develop a negative persona due to the shock.

The Dark Phoenix manipulated things on a molecular level, crushed and annihilated matter, and achieved the goal of destroying the world.

But if Professor X, the most powerful brain in the world, were to be taken over by an evil personality and manipulate the world\'s human consciousness, it would be easier than ever to stage an American version of \'Yuri\'s Revenge\'.

"Don\'t reminisce about the past. It will only bring you pain. You should look far and try to look ahead."

Luke was serving the young Charles a hot steaming bowl of pep-talk.

As we all know, whether they were superheroes or super villains, they would have some kind of psychological problems.

Heroes needed to experience growth, hardships, and trials.

Villains would go on the wrong path because of their miserable childhood and unfair treatment.

Therefore, Luke thought that the most necessary department of S.H.I.E.L.D should be the psychological counseling and rehabilitation center.

In order to do so, he approached Congress\'s Budget Committee and requested a large sum of money to finance the start-up of the project and its construction.

But considering the superheroes, most of the supervillains had basic settings such as \'a genius\', \'multiple degrees\', and \'a master psychologist in every sense of the word\'.

He had no choice but to give up and use the funds to improve S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents\' personal life, purchase housing, and so on.

As for those supervillains who had psychological problems, Luke felt that it might be more straightforward and effective to continue with the character modifications with the iron fists of justice.


Charles accepted the pep-talk and felt that his heart was purified and his haze was swept away.

"When I passed out, I seemed to hear her calling my name!"

Luke smiled. He didn\'t expect the future Professor X to be a sis-con.

"Raven is fine. You have a rest first. In a few days, Ms. Frost is preparing for the Class President election in a few days. You\'re the best one among the junior students. She has great confidence in you."

At the mutant academy, not many classes were currently in session.

There was probably a mix of younger students who had just started school and older students who were in their senior year.

Charles\'s talent, ability, and personal qualities were excellent. Besides, he was also a psychic. It made sense that the White Queen would appreciate him.

"By the way, there will be a new student in the junior class later. I hope you can show him the ropes and build up a friendly relationship."

Luke had a strange smile. When Magneto entered the school, he was sure that kid and Charles would have a different kind of spark.

Love … No, the friendship between classmates should be cultivated from a young age.

"New classmate?"

Charles was a little curious.

A few days later, Magneto -- Erik, was packed, delivered to New York, and finally collected by S.H.I.E.L.D.

The sender was Agent Zero of the Task Force, as well as Namor and the Black Queen.

They teamed up together to catch Erik, who had escaped.

With rubber bullets, tranquilizer injections, and two Phoenix hosts, it was easy to take on Magneto, who was still a child.

"Not obedient? Emma, this is normal. All rebellious children are like this."

White Queen continued complaining over the mobile phone. Emma claimed that the child named \'Erik\' was the most stubborn and difficult student she had ever met.

Luke smiled. Erik, who had been sent to the mutant academy, was a lot of trouble compared to Charles, the good boy.

Having been insecure since childhood, Magneto had already made two consecutive attempts to flee the country.

Although they all ended in failure, this behavior caused strong resentment from the White Queen.

In addition to this, Erik was often involved in physical confrontations with his classmates.

On the first day of school, Charles, who offered an olive branch of friendship, was beaten and got a black eye.

The reason was that Charles inadvertently mentioned the Jewish massacre, concentration camps, and other keywords.

Erik himself happened to be Jewish and was imprisoned in Auschwitz together with his parents.

Charles was simply dancing in a minefield, uncovering people\'s bloody scars in one fell swoop.

"You can use Erik\'s competitive nature to create a sense of belonging to the school and to the mutants."

Luke helped out. He had little experience in education.

Countless stubborn villains and misguided villains were \'convinced\' by Superman, each crying out bitterly and reflecting on their crimes.

"Isn\'t there an election for Class President in the junior class? You can get Erik to participate, arouse his idea of not admitting defeat, and integrate him into the collective group spirit."

Luke spoke eloquently. He looked confident.

"Yes, with or without support, just let him do it. As long as he takes the initiative, he will put his guard down and feel the good camaraderie among his classmates…"

In fact, what he wanted was to use Charles\'s deep feelings to convince the rebellious and chuunibyou Erik.

After all, the Professor and Magneto\'s friendship wouldn\'t be out of date in any parallel universe.

"By the way, remember to send me a copy of the video."

Luke had a smile on his lips, looking forward to the tit-for-tat between the two.

Mutant Academy, Class President election.

"Hello, everyone. I\'m Erik Lehnsherr… from Class One …"

Erik stood on the platform and introduced himself.

His real name was actually \'Max Eisenhardt\'.

During World War II, the family changed their names to escape capture and purging by the Third Reich, which led to the name \'Erik Lehnsherr\'.

"I can\'t hear you! Your voice is so low! You want to be Class President with such a small voice…?"

Raven, who was sitting below, booed.

She glanced at her brother Charles\'s black eye, groaned twice, and looked upset.

As an active member of the junior class, plus a lovely and lively sister, Raven had some influence in the student body.

She took the lead, and others echoed.

"Come again?"

"Say it again!"

"I can\'t hear you at all!"

Erik held the speech he had written, his lips pursed, and looked at Charles, who had said nothing, with hostility.

\'It must be this guy!\'

He remembered that the Principal, Ms. Frost, said if he could become Class President, he could lead the mutants in the future.

Selected by the Phoenix Force, he was fully qualified to be the savior of his suffering compatriots and bring them to a better future.

Class President was just the first step!

There were even more difficult challenges and trials ahead, waiting for him!

As Luke said, the best way to deal with a chuunibyo is to be as chuunibyo as he was.

Erik was convinced by the \'mutant savior\' argument.

His parents died in a concentration camp.

From a young age, he suffered a lot of hardship and misery, as well as the rejection of others and indifference.

And then he was blessed by the Phoenix Force.

Wasn\'t that worthy of being the protagonist?

"My name is Erik Lehnsherr, and I\'m a freshman in the junior class! I have the confidence to lead everyone …"

Erik spoke in a louder voice as the inner thoughts flickered away.

His eyes were always staring at Charles, sitting below.

This rich boy with his shiny hair, suit, and leather shoes was his biggest rival.

"Good! Very energetic!"

Charles didn\'t realize that he had been regarded as a rival. Instead, he took the lead in applauding to diffuse the awkwardness of the new student.


Erik, who stepped off the podium, didn\'t buy it.

Not to mention the fated collision of frenemies at the mutant academy, Luke was in Washington, D.C., when he received a message from Kamar Taj.

The Kamar Taj of the other universe!

The content was very simple --

"Sorcerer Supreme, return quickly!"

The sender of the message was Stephen Strange.

Transmitted by the Vishanti.

\'What\'s the matter? How long have I been away? \'

Luke slightly frowned, tapping his fingers on the table.

Personally, he didn\'t want to be a fireman, to save the world when he had nothing better to do.

That\'s what Superman of the studio next door would do.

But Luke was sitting in the position of the Sorcerer Supreme, enjoying the generosity of the Vishanti.

If he quit at a critical moment, it wouldn\'t seem right.

\'Let\'s wait and see. Maybe Strange can work it out himself."

Luke considered that he was too busy with the Phoenix hosts and the integration of Hydra to take time off.

So, he lit up a message in pure white light and sent a reply.

[The Sorcerer Supreme you are calling is currently busy. Please try again later.]

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