Marvel's Superman

Chapter 130 - 127 | Brothers Reunion, Human Sandbag.

Chapter 130 - 127 Brothers Reunion, Human Sandbag.

After visiting the three laboratories, Luke turned back to Bolivar\'s mutant project team.

S.H.I.E.L.D\'s intelligence network hasn\'t been rolled out yet. It was time-consuming and labor-intensive to unearth and cultivate elite agents.

James Bond, Ethan Hunt, Jason Bourne, Yan Shuangying … They were all rare elite cards, and it was expected that they wouldn\'t be available for a while.

As for the hard-boiled egg Director, Luke didn\'t purposely go looking for him.

The low-end version of Nick Fury, who hasn\'t grown up yet, isn\'t instrumental in recruiting.

Anyway, these plot characters will appear sooner or later.

After all, as the saying goes, traversing worlds, you need a cheat. That would be the unshakeable Coulson.

The man with the increasingly dangerous hairline was like a rookie village guide on the Marvel set; he knew everything.

"General, he\'s James Howlett."

The person in charge pointed to a tall, strong man with a beard.

Lab 3 is further inside the break area where the mutants are housed.

Not long ago, the army found Wolverine, who had been missing for several days.

No one knew how he got so far to Japan, and they heard that he almost got hit by the atomic bomb.

Luke looked at Wolverine\'s lively and energetic appearance.

He deeply sighed; the self-healing ability is irrational.

Wolverine was destroyed by the atomic bomb\'s high temperature and shock wave, leaving only a skeleton. He could still repair himself.

\'Really fast and efficient. \'

Luke smiled. MacArthur, the commander of the Allied forces in the Southwest Pacific war zone, is in charge of the military occupation of the Japan Islands. He heard that the Major General in the U.S was searching for a missing soldier.

The other party was happy to do him this favor. With one command, he mobilized his forces and quickly found Wolverine.

A tall white man stood out in Japan.

"Congratulations on your brotherly reunion."

Luke walked into the rest area, where besides the brothers, Sabretooth and Wolverine, there were some other mutants.

They were all paid particular attention to by S.H.I.E.L.D. After a period of investigation, they were contacted and taken in.

However, there are very few mutants worthy of being recruited. Not everyone in this particular group of genetic mutations enjoyed the satisfaction brought by having different abilities.

Since it is genetic evolution, there are bound to be instances of failure.

Mutants also have different levels, the Epsilon level mutants, many of which are typical cases of evolutionary failure.

Either the skin color and appearance are altered, or they have significant defects.

Luke once saw a child, like a hedgehog. When he was excited, sharp hair like steel needles appeared on his skin.

Frankly speaking, this ability not only affects life but is also useless and lacks room for improvement.

For that child, it was like a curse.

Therefore, he took the initiative to become a leech serum subject and wanted to eliminate his identity as a mutant.

There are many similar situations, such as the powerful Alpha mutants like Professor Baldhead and Magneto and the gifted Omega mutants like Phoenix and Franklin, which were always a minority.

More and more people are suffering from genetic mutations, and in their view, \'mutants\' were a disease that deserved to die, not a gift from God.

According to Bolivar\'s analysis of the data, 20% of the mutant population is in the Epsilon level, which failed in evolution.

50% were Delta level with no significant defects but weak ability.

The number of Alpha level mutants maybe only 10%.

As for the legendary Omega level, it belonged to the golden card class, which rarely appears.

Therefore, it was ridiculous for Sebastian Shaw and Magneto to build a mutant kingdom and a powerful world-ruling kind of regime.

This is because there is no way to compensate for the genetic defects of the mutant population alone.

Not to mention normal reproduction and population increase.

"Thank you for helping me find Jimmy, General."

Sabretooth thanked Luke while calling his brother\'s nickname and acting as a brother.

Wolverine standing beside him was dumbfounded, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears.

It was unbelievable that Victor, his grumpy brother, should say the words \'thank you\'!

"I thought you were just going to curse again."

Wolverine couldn\'t resist spitting and was directly elbowed in the abdomen by his older brother Sabretooth.

The latter smiled stiffly and tried to show his docile side.

Sabretooth did this to avoid being pulled over and sliced up by the dwarf scientist named Bolivar.

These days, that damned dwarf is always looking back and forth at himself with eagerness, as if he\'s wondering which part of his body would be better to cut.

Sabretooth was already scared enough to leave a trauma. He couldn\'t fight his way out, and he had to endure Bolivar\'s covering eyes every day.

This is no way to live!

If Luke hadn\'t been there, Sabretooth would have to complain to his brother, Wolverine.

Sabretooth: Do you know how I spent my days lately?

Wolverine: *Shaking his head*

Sabretooth: You\'ll find out soon.

Wolverine: …

"James Howlett, let me see your ability."

Luke glanced at the young \'Uncle Wolf.\' When he saw the sharp bone claws, he couldn\'t help feeling pity.

Wolverine, with no Adamantium metal injected into its body, doesn\'t live up to the name.

"Since both of you are here, come on, and let\'s practice together."

After a few casual exchanges, Luke took off his coat and moved his muscles and bones.

These days, thanks to Sabretooth as a sandbag for practice, Deathstroke\'s skill card \'Master Assassin\' has almost become muscle memory.

"Fight? Can you…"

"General, forget it. Anyway, we aren\'t your opponent!"

Sabretooth interrupted his brother\'s death flag. He understood very well that the so-called \'sparring\' was to be a human sandbag.

Even if there\'s a self-healing factor in his body, and the injury would recover.

He isn\'t a masochist who liked to be beaten, so there\'s no need to experience being beaten that badly.

Wolverine looked at his old brother in shock, his eyes filled with disbelief.

\'Is this the Victor I know?\'

\'What on earth happened to him these days?\'

\'How did you become so polite and friendly?\'

Wolverine suspected that this wasn\'t his grumpy brother but someone else with a string of suspicions popping up.

"Then let James come first-- mutants here all have a code name you can take one too."

Luke was too lazy to pronounce his name and said, "How about \'Logan\'? Use your middle name."

"No problem. You are the boss here; you have the final say."

Wolverine\'s eyes dimmed, nodding in agreement.

James and Logan are both his father\'s names.

"Victor, you don\'t look like a tough guy now. Aren\'t you good at fighting?"

Wolverine, who got a new name, laughed and then said, "General -- if I hurt you, will I be locked up?"

Luke shook his head and smiled, "No, Logan. To be honest, it\'s been a long time since I\'ve experienced the feeling of being hurt, and I\'d be happy if you could let me relive it."

"On the contrary, General, I am injured almost every day."

Wolverine -- Logan grinned. His whole body revealed a bit of wildness.

He isn\'t as violent as his brother Sabretooth, but his temper wasn\'t mild.

He remembers that when Professor Charles and Magneto searched for fellow mutants, they found Wolverine and just introduced themselves. they only got a \'Fuck you\' back.

Directly letting the leaders of the two mutant camps return without success.

It\'s no wonder that later when Magneto saw Wolverine, he was severely beaten.

It must have been more than a grudge!

"Be careful, Jimmy."

Sabretooth patted his younger brother on the shoulder and told him, "When you find that you can\'t resist, you can try to … enjoy that feeling."

"It won\'t hurt too much, only for a while."

Logan was puzzled by his brother\'s remarks.

Then, he followed Luke into the spacious reinforced training room made of alloy.

Not long after, there was a continuous booming sound that came from inside.

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