Battling Records of the Chosen One

Chapter 207: The Bloody Ten Days

Chapter 207: The Bloody Ten Days

Translator: Flying Lines

A great disaster was impending?

Lin Xun felt stunned, put down the chopsticks and asked with surprise, “Elder Brother Chu, what do you mean?”

He didn’t feel surprised that Chu Feng could find out where he lived. After all, Chu Feng became the chief director of the Commune of Spiritual Tattooists with his real capabilities.

Chu Feng was originally anxious, and then his pupils shrank immediately as he saw Shue Jin drink the liquor beside Lin Xun. A hint of reverence grew in his heart when he thought of the stories about Shue Jin reported by Elder Diao and the others.

Chu Feng took a deep breath and said to Lin Xun with a bitter smile, “Little brother, have you gone out?”

Lin Xun said blankly, “I just came back from Mist College this morning.”

Chu Feng completely realized upon seeing Lin’s look that Lin didn’t know the present situation in which he was.

Chu Feng thereby stopped talking nonsense and directly told him all the news that had already caused a great sensation in Mist City today.

Lin Xun’s face became rather grave during this process with rays of cold light surging in his black eyes.

“I’m quite sure that 13 forces including the Clan of Yuan, Azure-light Pavilion, the Clan of Zheng, and the Clan of Zhou, will attack you.”

Chu Feng looked grave, “Do you understand now?”

Lin Xun nodded, but deep down, he was quite confused, “I’ve predicted some troubles after I defeated Yuan Shu and Qi Yunxiao. But they have collected so many people to attack me, which seems that they think too highly of me.”

Chu Feng cleared his doubts, “You don’t get it. Those noble juniors can be beaten and even killed by anyone but a person born poor, which is the bottom line of the noble. Once such an incident takes place, it means that their status and dignity are challenged, which was a case that they can’t let happen.”

He continued with concerns after a pause, “I doubt that they acted so wildly and mobilized so many forces because they want to kill you to warn the poor juniors!”

Lin Xun said with surprise, “Has the conflict between the noble and the lower class become so serious?”

Shue Jin beside him said suddenly at the moment, “It’s even worse than you thought.”

At the moment, a hint of reminiscence emerged on his rough and slightly drunken face. He then told a story with a complicated expression.

A murder took place in a restaurant in the Forbidden City, the capital of the empire in winter 137 years ago.

A playboy whose clan had already been on the wane drank a lot in a restaurant. Out of the blue, the daughter of the restaurant’s owner caught his fancy and he took her away by force.

The beautiful 13-year-old girl was abused to death that night!

The restaurant’s owner attempted to seek justice for his daughter after what had happened. As a result, the family of more than 10 people including himself and his wife was murdered with their bodies left undiscovered.

The restaurant’s owner and his family members were born poor, so the playboys took some measures to cover this incident up. However, a practitioner overheard that and killed the playboy that day with his sword, which made many people applaud for him. He was also depicted as a man of seeking justice for the poor and bearing a mien of ancient swordsman.

It never occurred to everyone that the incident would result in a bloody storm!

The practitioner named Ren Changyuan was killed by Wen Zhongqing, the famous “Blood-slaughterer General” in the Forbidden City of the empire at that time, in person the next day.

The same day, ten aristocratic families in the Forbidden City worked together with Wen Zhongqing launched a ten-day hunt-down action against those poor practitioners in the city in the name of clearing up the internal troubles.

The ten days witnessed that thousands of practitioners of poor origin were indifferently slaughtered every day, leaving their blood staining the ground dark red. Such a bloody suppression shocked the entire empire and made everyone feel himself imperiled.

Not until the current emperor personally intervened in it later did this large-scale bloody massacre stop.

The ten days was were also called “Bloody Ten Days”.

After this, Blood-slaughterer General Wen Zhongqin remained unscathed except that he was stripped of his general rank and banished to the northwestern border.

Besides, the aristocratic families involving in the slaughter just paid a small price.

However, the numberless poor practitioners who were killed became a bloody warning given by the noble forces to those practitioners of poor origin, and this event had far-reaching effects on the national situation.

Few people mentioned the “Bloody Ten Days” event now. But those who knew what had happened that year clearly learned that the noble forces would do everything they could against those of poor origin to safeguard their own status and power.

Shue Jin looked at Lin Xun and asked after finishing telling the story, “Ren Changyuan of poor origin caused the tragedy of Bloody Ten Days because he killed a playboy with a declining family. What do you think of this?”

Lin Xun couldn’t remain calm anymore. He had never thought that the conflict between the noble and the lower class had become so serious.

He said after a while, “Thus, is the situation I’m in similar to that of Ren Changyuan that year?”

Shue Jin smiled noncommittally.

Chu Feng beside him said with a nod, “Yes, it is. But, you’re different from Ren at least in the status. You’ve become a spiritual tattooist of the Commune of Spiritual Tattooists.”

Speaking of which, Chu Feng felt a little embarrassed, “For the time being, this status of you is only known to a few of us, so it can’t help you much.”

Lin Xun couldn’t help but smile, “I don’t care about these. I’m just curious why the conflict between the two classes has become so serious.”

Chu Feng said with a sneer, “Little brother, let me explain in an easy way. It’s all about safeguarding their status and interests in the empire! Here, status and interests are fixed. If the poor practitioners want to rise, they will definitely take over certain status and interests. Therefore, which noble force can stand by and let this happen?”

Lin Xun frowned, “Status and interests?”

Chu Feng said firmly, “Yes. Owning a status means obtaining more interests. You can also call the interests as cultivation resources! Haven’t you found out that the aristocratic families of the upper class almost monopolize all kinds of cultivation resources, especially the best cultivation treasures?”

“A noble child is blessed with different cultivation resources since his birth while it is rather difficult for a poor child to embark on cultivation. If he wants to get the resources, he has to snatch them at the risk of his life. That’s the difference.”

Lin Xun considered it reasonable after thinking for a while and fell into meditation.

He learned for the first time that those barriers on the road of cultivation were not only from people themselves but also from many unpredictable difficulties.

For example, he only beat two noble juniors today but it caused many troubles for himself. However, the cruel reality behind this made Lin Xun stay vigilant.

“What’s your plan after you knew those?” asked Shue Jin suddenly.

After Lin Xun kept silent for a while, corners of his lips curved suddenly. He seemed to smile, but the smile was emotionless.

He said calmly, “Though Ren Changyuan was killed that year, I may not end up with death like him. In my opinion, there is no difference between the upper class and the lower class now and even in the future. I only know how to tell enemies and friends.”

Chu Feng stood transfixed and asked with surprise, “What...what are you going to do?”

Shue Jin seemed to understand him with an invisible luster flashing past his drunken eyes, “Son, are you sure of it?”

Lin Xun shrugged his shoulders and said, “If I apologize to them, do you really think they will let me go?”

Then, he took a deep breath with calmness filling in his black eyes and said, stressing each word, “Since they choose to be my enemies, they should pay a price accordingly!”

Shue Jin burst into laughter, picked up a large bowl of liquor, and drank off at one draught, “You are so brave, without fear of death. You’re a real man!”

When Chu Feng stared at the composed Lin Xun and Shue Jin who was laughing, realization hit him suddenly that a real practitioner should be fearless!


Chu Feng left there in a hurry.

Now that he had known Lin Xun’s decision, he chose to get crazy with Lin Xun, too!

He immediately took the initiative to take on the job upon knowing that Lin Xun needed the first-hand intelligence and a batch of spiritual crossbows as well as the elixirs used to heal himself in the future fights.

Undoubtedly, the Commune of Spiritual Tattooists would never lack intelligence and material resources.

Chu Feng even wanted to dispatch a bunch of his men to help Lin Xun, but Shue Jin turned the proposal down directly.

Not until Chu Feng left here did Shue Jin ask, “I want to know your plan.”

Lin Xun replied with a brief answer, “I will launch an attack first.”

Shue Jin continued to ask, “What do you need me to do?”

Lin Xun said with a smile, “When I need you, you can show up in time. That’s all.”

His words seemed a little naughty, but Shue Jin liked them very much. “That’s the mien of a trainee graduating from the Bloodthirsty Camp. I originally thought that you forgot what you’ve learned in the camp after you entered Mist City.”

Lin Xun said while touching his own nose, “You’re right. After entering Mist City where there is no fierce battle, I’ve found it’s a little hard to adapt myself to here.”

A bright smile appeared around his lips, “But now, here comes an opportunity!”


As night fell, Lin Xun left his abode alone.

When the evening lights were lit, the bustling streets looked more boisterous than that at daytime, and pedestrians came and go in an endless flow.

Of course, restaurants, brothels, and casinos were the most popular places where people could indulge in a wanton life.

Drunken-clouds Tower-

In the eyes of many men in Mist City, Drunken-clouds Tower was a first-rate place for going on the spree and pursuing sexual pleasure, a place where they indulged in pleasures without stop and lingered on without any thought of leaving.

Every woman here was beautiful and attractive with own characteristics. Some women were tender and considerate; some were hot and enchanting; some were frosty in manner and held themselves aloof.

It was not cheap here. At least, Lin Xun paid three imperial silver coins for entering here smoothly.

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