I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 453: The Plan

Chapter 453: The Plan

When Qian Wenhuan saw this word, he could not help but turn blank. He did not understand what it meant. On the contrary, Zhou Yi’s face flashed. “Mr. Chen, what you mean is that if the survey results show that police robots aren’t acceptable to the public, we can copy what they did in Robocop?”

“Yes, that’s what I meant.”

Chen Chen expressed approval. “I want to build Namibia into an experimental platform and make it a pioneer. As long as Namibia can become the country with the lowest crime rate in the world under the management of XTN robots, then, who would reject my XTN robots?”


Zhou Yi suddenly hesitated to say something. “But would Namibia agree to this kind of reform?”

Chen Chen smiled, did not answer, but turned to look at Qian Wenhuan with a poker face. “It seems that Old Qian rarely watches Hollywood movies.”

“I have no time.”

Qian Wenhuan shook his head. “So what did they do in Robocop?”

“This involves the story plot.”

Zhou Yi immediately explained, “In short, there’s a company specializing in military robots in the movie. This company is exactly like us. Their products have been used in a large number of military services and the company has also made a lot of money.

“However, the top executives of this company aren’t satisfied. They want more benefits. So they think of the civilian sphere. As long as law enforcement robots replace traditional police in fighting crimes, the benefits they get will at least double.

“It’s just that when the company wanted to promote this plan, it was unexpectedly strongly opposed by the public. Most people believed that robots have no human feelings, don’t understand the value of life, and cannot make humans feel secure. They can’t trust these cold machines, so they wouldn’t hand over human lives to the judgment of robots.”

After thinking about it, Zhou Yi continued to speak, “However, despite the strong opposition from the public, the company still didn’t give up. So they thought of another way to gain the public’s approval — find some disabled police officers and provide them with free mechanized transformation. As long as the mechanized police officers can return to their posts and perform better than before, then after seeing this result, the public can naturally accept robot law enforcement calmly.”

“So, that’s it...”

Qian Wenhuan’s eyes lit up. “Indeed, this is a slow and steady plan. Free mechanized transformation can improve the company’s involvement in public welfare and the public has no reason to oppose it. After all, you can’t say that someone isn’t a human being just because they are installed with mechanical prostheses, right?

“After that, the transformed policeman will become a walking billboard. The more outstanding he is, the greater the impact on the people. But the only requirement is that all this must be attention-grabbing. If the whole thing receives no attention, it’s simply meaningless.

“Not only that, the disability can’t be a general physical disability, because even if we install prosthetic limbs for these mild disabilities, at most they can only return to their posts, but this will not have the slightest impact on their job performance. So we need severely disabled police officers at least. It’s best if it’s someone with a high level of paraplegia and the more serious the injury, the better. Only in this way will people count the police officers’ accomplishments as ours.”

In the end, Qian Wenhuan concluded. “In short, it’s best if the police officer who undergoes the transformation is known as a hero and he must be injured so badly that he needs to replace every body part except his head. He must be a popular guy too. Only in this way can he become an excellent billboard and function as commercial propaganda for our company!”

Hearing Qian Wenhuan’s summary, Zhou Yi on the side was secretly surprised. He did not expect that even though Qian Wenhuan had not watched the movie Robocop, he could instantly discern the key points of this plan. Sure enough, this man had a certain level of skill to make it in this position. Before this, Zhou Yi had thought that the other party was just an idiot who was good at flattery...

“Old Qian, your analysis is very good and you immediately grasped the point.”

At this time, Chen Chen could not help but clap his hands and praise, “If anyone just listened to what you said at that last part, they wouldn’t think that you haven’t seen this movie. Very good. What we have to do now is to follow the method shown in the movie. We’ll look for a few spokespersons and effectively turn them into advertisements so that the public can agree to robots replacing the police in law enforcement.”

“A police officer like this isn’t hard to find.”

Qian Wenhuan did not gloat just because of Chen Chen’s praise. He only said modestly, “It’s not difficult to find this kind of extremely injured police officer in the African Continent. The only difficulty is the technical aspect. With our current technology, can we create this kind of robot?”

“Don’t worry, we can even heal James Watson, let alone ordinary injuries.”

Chen Chen sounded nonchalant. “As for the modification of the human body, that’s the job of the research department.”

“Understood, I’ll give you a plan on Friday this week at the latest.”

Qian Wenhuan nodded immediately and agreed.

Zhou Yi on the side was totally stupefied.

He had never expected that, after sitting at the dinner table for just a few minutes, the two of them actually came up with a huge plan involving the country and even the entire Earth Federation. This efficiency was not comparable to any corporations in the market with their bloated systems.

Zhou Yi was deeply shocked but he could also understand that the reason everything was decided so quickly was that all the authority of the entire company was concentrated in the hands of the young man in front of him...

This was the power of centralization.

Next, Zhou Yi was stunned as he watched Chen Chen feasting heartily. He thought that the table full of food was just a luxurious habit of the rich. He did not expect that when they left at the end of dinner, all the dishes from that table had entered Chen Chen’s stomach and Qian Wenhuan seemed hardly surprised by this astonishing sight.

After they left, Qian Wenhuan beckoned to Zhou Yi again and asked the driver to take Zhou Yi to the gate of his community. After the dinner, Zhou Yi’s views on Qian Wenhuan changed a lot and the two became familiar with each other.

“Did you feel a little unaccustomed to all this?”

On the way, Qian Wenhuan suddenly asked.

“A little.”

Zhou Yi replied, “I used to drink alcohol on the job and because I was young, I got blackout drunk almost every time. This time, I saw Mr. Chen but didn’t drink a drop. It’s a rather new feeling.”

“It’s fine. Our company is still very young and in a period of rapid development. With your ability, you can get promoted in three to five years.”

Qian Wenhuan smiled mysteriously. “At that point, you’ll slowly adapt and at that time, you’ll also know many secrets. It’s possible that many things that you can’t understand before will seem a matter of course.”

Hearing these words, Zhou Yi’s pupils shrank slightly. Sure enough, there were many secrets in Blacklight Biotechnology.

Now he was a weapon sales manager, but he was still below the truly high-level staff. Even so, if some of the information he knew about the weapons was leaked out, it would shake up all of society. In that case, as for the secrets known only to the higher-ups, how earth-shattering would they be?

Zhou Yi was filled with anticipation...


Qian Wenhuan waved his hand and said goodbye to Zhou Yi when he had sent Zhou Yi back to the gate of the community.

Looking at the back of Zhou Yi gradually walking into the community, Qian Wenhuan’s expression changed from gentle warmth to an impassive look.

“CEO Qian, you seem to have high hopes for this sales manager?”

The secretary in the front suddenly turned his head and asked.

“Somewhat. Young people are still very capable.”

Qian Wenhuan nodded. “He’s just a bit arrogant still, but people who come from college are like this. They don’t think much of someone unorthodox like me.”

The secretary shook his head and said nothing.

Next, the first thing Qian Wenhuan did when he returned to his villa was to find the movie Robocop from the Internet and watch it from beginning to end.

Instead of watching it dumbly like ordinary people, Qian Wenhuan recorded every detail on paper and saved a screenshot at the critical moments.

After watching the movie for four hours, Qian Wenhuan checked the time. It was already one o’clock in the morning and he had written more than 5,000 words.

Nevertheless, Qian Wenhuan did not rest because this new version of Robocop was a movie produced in 2014. As early as 30 years ago, there were three older versions of Robocop.

Therefore, Qian Wenhuan gave the old versions of Robocop another quick watch.

Then, he started to write out the plan.

When he went to work the next day, Qian Wenhuan notified his team and gave the draft to everyone and then began to discuss and trim the content of the plan.

Qian Wenhuan and his team discussed late into the night for three days in a row, until the end of Friday, when they finalized the plan at last. After that, Qian Wenhuan directly sent the 30,000-word plan to Chen Chen’s mailbox.

At this time, Chen Chen, who was sitting in the office, immediately received the message.

“Old Qian has gotten it done so quickly?”

Chen Chen leaned on the chair and swiped his right hand lightly, and suddenly opened a holographic webpage out of thin air on the empty desk. At the same time, the mailbox automatically opened, revealing Qian Wenhuan’s plan.

“Sir Godfather, this is Qian Wenhuan’s plan.”

Little X’s voice came directly from the speaker. “According to Qian Wenhuan’s plan, first of all, the prerequisites for the selection of targets — this plan requires the selection of targets to be a bit strict. Number one, the identity of the other party must be a legal police officer in Namibia. This is a must. At the same time, there are a few other requirements:

“First, they must be severely injured, with a high level of paraplegia.

“Second, they must be upright and honest, with a strong sense of responsibility. They must also be highly obedient to orders, to prevent their being out of our control, which might result in what happened in the movie where the protagonist kills the company boss.”

Speaking of this, Little X said, “Qian Wenhuan is indeed right. Although we can use the God chip to control them, there might be unexpected developments, so it is best to choose the target wisely at the beginning.

“Then the third requirement: the target must get injured in a fight against criminals. Only in this way will they be more conducive to shaping their public image and triggering public opinion.

“Fourth, the target must have good facial features and an upright temperament. It’s best if they are suitable as a police officer because the nature of their appearance is very important to the public’s impression.

“The fifth and most important one is that the target’s family situation must be taken into consideration. If necessary, we can send their parents and families to the Eco Science City to prevent unexpected situations in the future.”

Hearing these five requirements, Chen Chen frowned. “Erm... It sounds rather like nurturing an idol for a talent show.”

“According to Qian Wenhuan’s plan, it’s best if the injuries of the target are heavy and obvious so that it will help us to promote his past deeds. If possible, we can use a slogan to promote the target as a ‘superhero’, turning him into a super idol who wouldn’t lose in popularity to international A-list superstars.”

Little X continued.

“Yes, we can test the waters while we’re at it. Maybe Blacklight Biotechnology can enter the entertainment circle in the future.”

Chen Chen snapped his fingers and said half-jokingly.

“These are the five requirements for the target and only those that meet the requirements can become the target we’ll train for the plan.”

When Little X heard Chen Chen’s words, she could not help but smile. “Next, it’s Qian Wenhuan’s official plan. He subdivided it into fifteen steps. It will take about two years to create for the target an image of a perfect superhero and make him the nemesis of criminals and a world-class hero.”

“Does it take two years?”

Chen Chen frowned. “It’s too long... What’s the estimated budget given in Old Qian’s plan?”

“Promotion costs are about one billion USD.”

Little X replied, “That is to say, according to the plan given by Qian Wenhuan, including some special performances, just one billion USD is enough to create a world-renowned international superstar.”

“Then make it three billion dollars.”

Chen Chen replied without hesitation, “I hope the timeline can be accelerated to less than one year.”

“I’m afraid that’d be difficult.”

Little X shook her head. “In addition to the method of throwing more money at this, word-of-mouth popularity is also very important. Qian Wenhuan’s plan contains all these. After my calculations, two years is indeed the limit.”

“Then try to compress it.”

Chen Chen spread out his hands and then asked, “But the plan is just a plan and we’ll deal with the implementation later. The first thing to do now is to select the target and conduct a survey before selecting the target.”

“Survey the public’s acceptance of robot law enforcement?”

Little X blinked and asked.

“Yes, although this answer is foreordained, the process is indispensable, not to mention I’m not the President of Namibia.”

Chen Chen exhaled, stood up, and said, “X, call Zurama for me, I should also talk to him about this.”

Zurama was the Minister of Resources who promised three exemptions and five reductions for Chen Chen when he first came to Namibia. Due to their business relationship, the two hit it off at once thanks to being mutually beneficial. Zurama had reaped enough benefits from Chen Chen’s side that would not be used up in several lifetimes. Chen Chen had also obtained a great deal of convenience from Zurama, so it could be described as a win-win situation.

Now the two had worked together for nearly four years and they had developed a deep “friendship.” Moreover, with Chen Chen’s help, Zurama had taken the throne as the spokesperson of the largest party in Namibia. He could expect to be the next president. Of course, he must also help pull the strings for the promotion of law enforcement robots now.

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