I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 187: The USB Drive Transforms

Chapter 187: The USB Drive Transforms

Twenty days had passed in the blink of an eye.

Since the completion of the nuclear power plant, purchase orders from Namibia had poured down like rain. The City Hall officials of several coastal cities were practically breaking down the doors of Blacklight Biotechnology.

However, Chen Chen did not accept any orders because the nuclear power plant was temporarily in trial operation.

Within the nuclear power plant, two nuclear reactors with a power of one million kilowatts were running all day long, constantly sending electricity into the substation, but this electricity was not delivered to the high-voltage transmission tower.

No one knew where all this electricity was going...

In the main control room of the substation, Chen Chen was not standing next to the USB flash drive because he had noticed that the red light on the USB was flashing more and more rapidly.

This had started thirteen days ago.

The past seven days, the USB drive had only displayed a slow flickering while it was charging as if it was breathing or its heart was beating.

However, after Chen Chen had charged the USB drive for seven days, all of this changed.

Currently, the red light of the USB drive had grown brighter, turning from a dark red to a brilliant scarlet, to the point that it was even a little blinding.

Not only that but this red light was still flashing incessantly. Its frequency was several times faster than before and as more time passed, its speed kept increasing.

In this manner, twenty days had passed in a flash.

According to the power output of the entire power plant, Chen Chen could obtain 48 million kWh of electricity every day. Even if there was some wastage, there would still be 45 million kWh. With a period of twenty days, plus the electricity accumulated on the Blacklight Cruise, the power in Chen Chen’s USB drive was extremely close to one billion kWh.

Moreover, in addition to the abnormalities of the USB flash drive that were constantly appearing, Chen Chen had a hunch that, when the power in the USB drive reached one billion, some unexpected change would occur.

Therefore, on the last night of the twenty days, Chen Chen had dispatched all the Black Knights to the substation and equipped them with weapons for defense.

Meanwhile, Chen Chen left the nuclear power plant and came to the Spire.

At this distance, even if the USB drive full of one billion kWh of electricity were to explode on the spot, it would not reach this far.

Perhaps this sort of precaution was a little ridiculous but Chen Chen had no other means of dealing with this.

Reality would later prove that Chen Chen’s speculation was indeed true. On the final night of the twenty days, when he was training his “Field”, he suddenly received an update from Little X.

“Sir Godfather, there has been a change in the nuclear power plant substation.”

Little X’s voice came from the speaker. “The flashing light of the USB drive has disappeared!”

When he heard this, Chen Chen quickly looked at the LCD monitor next to the laboratory. At this time, the monitor was showing the situation in the main control room. The USB drive, which had flashed its red light endlessly, was now not flashing any light. Instead, its initial tranquility was restored.

“Send a ‘Black Knight’ to go and check it.”

Chen Chen immediately ordered. At the same time, he put on his shirt, turned around, and walked out of the laboratory. “Contact Cheng Cao. I want to head over right now.”

He quickly walked to the elevator of the Spire’s laboratory, then went up to the relay station. After that, he took the tram to one of the exits and summoned the elevator.

Ten minutes later, Chen Chen had returned to the ground floor and walked out the elevator of an office building.

By the appearance, it seemed as if Chen Chen was an employee of this company and he had just gotten off work at this time.

There were five entrances and exits hidden in the Eco Science City, all of which were far apart. Even so, they were located in buildings with busy crowds to achieve maximum concealment.

Cheng Cao had been waiting by the entrance for a long time.

After Chen Chen got into the car, Cheng Cao started the car at once. They swiftly drove out of the Eco Science City, speeding toward the nuclear power plant that was twenty kilometers away.

The Black Knight who went in to inspect the situation had already reported that the USB drive was not dangerous. Thus, when Chen Chen arrived, he immediately entered the main control room.

In an instant, Chen Chen noticed the USB flash drive.

When he saw the USB drive, Chen Chen could not help but raise his eyebrows. The red light that had flickered urgently was gone and the USB drive had become as pitch-black as the first time he found it.

No, something was different...

This was because Chen Chen had noticed that there were many pinpricks of light on the USB drive as if it had become a universe studded with countless stars that glimmered constantly.

Chen Chen did not approach rashly but turned to look at the surveillance camera. “Little X, is it still absorbing power now?”

“Yes, nothing has changed,” Little X replied.

Chen Chen nodded and simply stepped forward to pull down the switch.

This switch did not cut off the power supply of the substation. It just cut off the power to the superconducting device. The electricity generated by the nuclear power plant would still pass through the substation but the electricity would then be delivered to the high-voltage transmission tower.

After the power switch was completely cut off, Chen Chen turned around and pulled out the USB drive, staring at it intently.

The surface of the USB flash drive had become extremely new and immaculate. Moreover, the brilliant dots of light that glittered endlessly upon the USB drive were like stars in the night sky. These light dots flared and faded astonishingly.

In any case, what did this change mean?

Chen Chen displayed a thoughtful look. Then, he simply plugged the USB drive into the computer again and opened it on the computer, after which he dragged the first and second Chronicle into the drive.

Following that, Chen Chen moved his pointer to the icon of the movie. When he was about to press it, he suddenly hesitated.

“Little X, send a Black Knight over.”

Chen Chen released his mouse and watched a cloned soldier walk in. At the same time, the soldier said with a blank face, “Number A0012, reporting to Sir Commander.”

Chen Chen handed the mouse to the cloned soldier, then retreated at once to the door of the main control room.

“Okay, A0012, play Chronicle.”

After Chen Chen gave his order, the Black Knight played the movie without hesitation. In the next second, Chen Chen only saw the darkness before his eyes as if a black light had unfurled instantly, shielding the light on the ceiling and casting a black shade over the entire room!

Nonetheless, this strange vision only occurred in a flash. When Chen Chen recovered his senses, a round, black object had appeared on the computer screen!

It was like a hole that had appeared abruptly. It was pitch-black to the point where it reflected no light. Not a single photon of light could pass through that black cavity.

What was even stranger was that this black hole was obviously only the size of the computer screen but in Chen Chen’s perception, it seemed to be two meters in diameter.

This visual paradox made Chen Chen inhale sharply.

Chen Chen walked to the side of the black circle but was shocked to see that when it was viewed from the side or the back, the black circle disappeared without a trace.

It was as if the circle was just a purely two-dimensional black sticker. However, the question was, was there such a thing as purely two-dimensional matter in this world?

“Sir Godfather, what is this?”

Little X sounded rather taken aback. “I can’t understand this existence in front of me. Is that... A black ball?”

“I don’t know either.”

Chen Chen shook his head. “A0012, put your hand out and test it.”

In accordance with Chen Chen’s order, the cloned soldier immediately stretched out his right hand toward the black hole without any fear.

Suddenly, before Chen Chen’s eyes, A0012’s right hand went straight through the thin black circle and disappeared behind the screen!

The black thing was a hole...

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