The Legacy System

Chapter 20 - 20: Low Body Tempering Potion

Meanwhile, Eric didn\'t stop and just walked out of the door. This was his only chance to escape the clutches of this woman.

While it wasn\'t necessarily for a bad thing, but he couldn\'t allow his reputation to get destroyed before having it, so this was necessary for some more days. ​​

Now it was time for him to leave towards the red district and take that bath with the Low Body Tempering Potion.

Even though it was of low quality, for him it was a miracle medicine.

Thinking like this he left the building quietly and carefully not to be noticed by Tina or anyone else and took the direction of the red district.

It was a bit far from where their house was since his father wanted to keep his sons away from that and bring them up in a good way.

Far away from all the distractions and troubles of a place close to the red district.

But that was in the past anyway, it didn\'t hold much meaning now. After all, his new wife and his little son were the people who killed him and had already destroyed what could be called a family.

Furthermore, a few years later the word itself would have no meaning because people would turn into beasts, just because they could.

But that was a story for later when it actually happened. Right now he was walking slowly but surely towards the red district.

He tried to make the way running towards there, but his muscles were burning like hell and it wasn\'t possible for him.

Even walking towards that place was taking a toll on his body, but he had to go there. So the only thing he could do was clench his teeth and walk forward.

It took him a while to finally reach his destination, and find a motel to enter, but he managed to reach his goal.

The lady at the reception gave him a weird look, when he appeared there alone, asking for a room. But he didn\'t care what she might think.

His goal was clear to him, he just had to go there and take a bath, and then leave to never return back.

With that clear goal, he entered his room and closed the door behind him. Looking around the room he could see that the name of the room totally reflected the design inside.

To show how exactly the same it was, the room\'s name was \'Love Room\', and inside it, everything was heart-shaped.

The bed, the shower, the bath, the table, everything. He still didn\'t understand why that lady gave him this room. He just asked for a room.

Anyway, this didn\'t matter much to him, he wasn\'t here to enjoy the place. He just started undressing and place his clothes over the bad in order.

Now that he was totally on his birthday suit, he started walking towards the bathroom and fill it up with water.

When the bath was almost full, with a thought he placed a Low Body Tempering Potion on his hand, and it appeared there from thin air.

That didn\'t surprise him in the least though, he had already gone through this in his past future. So this was something very normal for him.

Opening the potion he threw the liquid in the bath, and then entered slowly in there.

This wasn\'t the first time he was using a Low Body tempering liquid, but the one he had used the first time, was different from this one.

The color of this potion was so much darker than the ones he had used. So there definitely must be some differences between them.

Different from what he remembered though, this didn\'t take effect as soon as he entered the water, he didn\'t feel anything for about 5 minutes or so.

He was starting to think that this thing must be spoiled or something, with that thought in mind, he took out another potion and threw the liquid in the bath once again.

Perhaps just one wasn\'t enough to have an effect on him, or there was some other problem, his mind was flying between different thoughts.

But, he decided to wait for another 5 minutes, just so he made sure that the liquid didn\'t work. After that, he would have to think of something to do.

5 minutes passed quickly though, and there was no change to it. It still seemed like a normal bath and nothing more.

Seeing that there was no reaction to this Eric was getting nervous and pissed off at the same time. So much for being a divine artifact, and all that crappy praise to the things inside.

It seemed like a joke right now.

Thinking like that, this time he took around 5 Potion bottles and emptied them into the bathwater. Perhaps this would make a little reaction at the least.

If there wasn\'t any reaction for more than 10 minutes even after this, then he would stop relying on that crappy potion.

This time without 5 minutes passing though, the water started boiling a bit. Like there was a big furnace underneath the bath like it was a Jacuzzi or something.

At that moment Eric could feel some small antsy bites on his skin, it was like numerous ants, started to bit, and chew on his skin.

Seeing that the potion was finally taking effect, he took a deep breath and entered fully inside the bath, and totally covered by the water.

At first, it wasn\'t as painful as he thought, quite the opposite actually, it was tickling and soothing. Just like, he was just being massaged all over his body.

But that didn\'t last for long though, because less than 15 seconds later, his body started heating really bad.

All those antsy bites turned in a sharp pain that seemed to touch every single cell of his body. He wanted to scream but he couldn\'t, his head was underwater.

But he couldn\'t stay all the time underwater, could he? He could at most keep his breath for 7 to 10 minutes, if he went beyond that, then he would be dead.

Thinking like this he tried to get up from his place, or at least bring his nose above water, but just as the thought passed through his body, the pain multiplied.

If just by thinking about it multiplied the pain several folds, then doing it was almost impossible.

He was feeling the pain in each and every one of his cells. And it wasn\'t just that, he felt like his cells started to explode, and reform once again.

Not only once, but repeatedly, it was like a cycle or something. In one moment all his cells would explode and the other they would just reform once again.

His blood flowed all over his body like magma passing through earth veins underground. Setting all his body in a heat that he had never imagined possible.

It was a horrifying pain, and he couldn\'t even scream. He had no control over his body anymore, the only thing he could do, was hope for was that this ended as soon as it was possible.

Only like that could he have a chance to survive this.

He had to go through that pain and agony for more than 2 minutes, at the end of it he was starting to think that maybe this was the end for him.

What a pathetic way to die, after getting this second chance at life. It was just super-duper lame, dying in a motel, drawn into a heart-shaped bath.

Truly pathetic!

But he managed to survive those 2 minutes and 30 seconds. He didn\'t understand how he managed to do that, but he did.

He felt truly sorry for ever doubting at the Low Body Tempering Potion right now. If he could he would bow down and beg for forgiveness right now.

Even now all he managed to do, despite the terrible pain, was bring his nose and mouth out of the bath so he could respire.

He still couldn\'t move his body, or any other limb or part of his body.

He could feel them were still in pain and torture, but he couldn\'t move them or even control them in the least.

Well, he guessed he could stay there in the bath for some time and rest there, despite the black matter around him, and that stench smell.

Right now he didn\'t even have the power to worry about the stench, he just wanted a good rest, and probably some sleep.

Sometimes things are just never meant to happen according to our plan, or just are a result of our previous stupidity, and that was what precisely happened at that moment.

Apparently, what happened until now, all that pain and torture, wasn\'t as a result of all the 7 Low Body Tempering potions that he emptied in there.

No, it was the effect of only the first potion he emptied in there because just as 2 minutes and 30 seconds after the first finished, the water and stench started to boil once again.

Eric:" Motherf*ker!!!"

When he had first used them in his previous future, the potions immediately started their effect, and their effect was less than 1/10 of this.

But these ones, apparently needed around 15 minutes to start their effect, not to talk about their pain and torture to the body.

It was like he was being very well cooked on Hell-fire. No, he couldn\'t stand that pain and torture so soon, when he still hadn\'t been able to recover himself from the first one.

He had to make sure he could get out of the bath, but his body didn\'t seem to listen to him. All the tries he did were useless, the most he could do was move his hand\'s little finger.

This situation spelled doom from him, not only the pain and torture but also the risk of biting his tongue and dying due to the pain. That was also a possible occurrence.

No matter how he looked at it, there was no way out of this for him…


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