Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 523 Guarantee

Chapter 523 Guarantee

Not to mention the panic in New York due to the explosion in the suburban industrial park and the helplessness of Police Captain George, Tony and Peter were also feeling very helpless at the scene.

They have been in this ruin for several minutes, but apart from feeling the remaining heat on the ground, they have not found the entrance to the Mirror Dimension space. JARVIS’s system did not scan any space anomalies, maybe it can only be detected when the Mirror Dimension space appears.


“Mr. Stark, the police and fire brigade have already arrived. There should be reporters too. Do you need to go and explain the situation?” Suspended high in the sky, Peter looked at the police cars and fire trucks approaching quickly in the distance and some cars that might belong to the reporters so Peter asked.

“Don’t worry about them for the time being, I will hold a press conference later to explain what happened today.” Tony is not in a good mood right now, and of course, he will not talk to the police and reporters.

“Okay, then.” Hearing Tony’s answer, Peter agreed and continued to hover with Tony in the air.


Just as Tony and Peter waited at high altitude for more than ten minutes, a small Spatial Fluctuation appeared in their lower-left corner. JARVIS detected the situation and Tony and Peter also noticed it. Then Tony and Peter flew down quickly.


In the ruins, a golden halo quickly appeared on the ground. Then, a few people walked out of the aperture. It was Rick who had teamed up with others to build the Mirror Dimension Space before.

However, there are only five people who came out of the aperture and Yun Meng, and the remaining two are still there to maintain the existence of the Mirror Dimension Space.

After all, the power of the explosion has not completely ended, and the Mirror Dimension Space will not exist for long if someone doesn’t maintain it. They will not come out until the explosion is completely annihilated in the Mirror Dimension.


Just as Rick and the five sorcerers just walked out of the Magic Space Portal, two Iron Man with a somewhat broken appearance rushed in front of them. It was Tony and Peter.

“So it really was you?! Rick and David!” After seeing Rick and David, Tony was finally sure and shouted loudly.


While yelling out the names of Rick and David, Tony also put down his mask. As for Peter on the side, he was not ready to speak or show his face.

Seeing the two Iron Mans rushing in front of him and hearing Tony’s voice, and then seeing Tony’s exposed face, the expressions on the faces of Rick and David were not very good. After all, they had been coerced by Tony Stark before. They are the sorcerers who guard the earth and they were coerced by such a guy for two hours!

“Hehe, it’s Mr. Iron Man Tony Stark.” Although he felt bad after seeing Tony in his heart, Rick still greeted him with a smile.

“Haha! I’m really glad that you were able to help today, otherwise, many casualties would have appeared in New York City tonight. If people in the world know that you are a group of powerful sorcerers always guarding them against the shadows then they will be very grateful as I am right now.” Not caring about Rick’s weird tone, Tony thanked him very sincerely.

“Since we have encountered this kind of thing, of course, we would be willing to help out as much as we could.” No one does not like being complimented. After hearing Tony’s words, David responded with a smile on his face.

“Speaking of it, I didn’t expect Killian and that Mandarin to be so crazy. They would even destroy half of New York to achieve their goals, I will not let them go!” After praising the sorcerers, Tony was about to blow a gasket when he thought about Killian’s move. If these powerful sorcerers are to notice the guy named Killian, then Tony will have another powerful helper to deal with Killian.

“En? What are you talking about? Was this explosion due to Mandarin’s terrorist attack?!” Rick asked suddenly when he heard Tony’s words.

“Yeah, what’s the matter?” Tony asked curiously when he heard Rick’s words.

“It turns out that it was him who caused the explosion. And here I was thinking who had the courage to cause an explosion in New York that can destroy half of the city. You say that you are going after Mandarin, so why are you speaking so arrogantly here? This guy seems to have no morals seeing as he was willing to detonate a bomb of this level. Do you want us to help you every time?” They thought that the explosion was a special accident. Maybe it was caused by some special accident. Unexpectedly, it was Tony’s opponent who made things happen and Rick felt even more dissatisfied with Tony.

“This… It is my responsibility. However, I promise to take care of Mandarin as soon as possible, and such incidents will not happen again in the future.” The expression on Tony’s face became stiff when he heard Rick’s words, and then he replied seriously.

“Huh! That’s better.” Rick said bluntly after hearing Tony’s assurance. During their talk, the two Sorcerers and Yun Meng came out of the Mirror Dimension.

“Yun Meng, Rick, David, the danger here has been eliminated, we will go back first.” Just when Tony and Rick were acting a little stiff, the two Sorcerers who did not belong to New York Sanctum Interrupted.

“Yes, thank you for your help today.” Hearing the words of the sorcerers behind him, Rick turned and said.

“It’s okay, Yun Meng, If you have free time then come to London, our place is not worse than New York.” The two sorcerers even specially invited Yun Meng to come in some time before leaving.

“Okay, I’ll check it out sometime.” Yun Meng nodded and replied when she heard the invitation from the London sorcerers.


Then, the two sorcerers drew a new Magic Portal on the spot, and after two steps in, they left New York and returned to London.

“Okay, we should leave too. Mr. Tony Stark, I hope you can handle this matter as soon as possible. After all, we won’t come to help you handle it every time.” After sending away two sorcerers from London, Rick looked at Tony in front of him and reminded him.

“Don’t worry.” Not wanting to lose his pride in front of Rick, Tony promised again.

“Then let’s go, Yun Meng, are you coming with us?” Without intending to say more, Rick looked at Yun Meng and asked.

“Well, let’s go.” With a Nod, Yun Meng waved her hand to construct a Magic Space Portal.


Then, Rick, David, and Yun Meng walked into the Golden Magical Space Portal and disappeared. However, before the Magic Space Portal finally disappeared, Yun Meng seemed to look back, and no one knew what or who she was looking at.

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