Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 394 394 Another One

Chapter 394 Chapter 394 Another One

"Practice." was all the woman answered and quickly settled the feathers on the center of the formation of rocks to provide further fuel to the already ardent fire at their midst.

And as a last preparation, the lady has taken a vertical slash using only that of her finger unto the five.

Kulas witnessed a silvery glow which eerily mimicked that of a thunder bolt\'s shade on the tip of the woman\'s forefinger and immediately after, blood began to spill unto the ground.

Almost an hour later, a sweet aroma wafted on all direction.

The boy had seen how expertly the woman had added further spices on the birds bodies as it were cooked in mouth watering delight above the mists of smoke and flame.

The finale was of course for the meal to be served atop a dry top of a banana leaf or something.

The only difference was, this thing took the hues of crimson and not green.

But that certainly hadn\'t diminished the appetite of the famished boy.

Without invitation, he gobbled at the servings and finished two of them in no time.

The meat of the unknown birds were soft, juicy, and very much filled with a slight tinge of spice that had Kulas almost in tears while eating the fresh delicacies one after another.

It was indeed a blessing to have tasted this kind of treat from the get go of his transmigration.

The boy smiled and touched his pronounced belly with satisfaction.

"You still haven\'t answered my question."

the woman looked fiercely on the only boy in the vicinity.

Kulas was now resting his back against the crumbling walls of the hut.

Of course at this time, there were nothing left of the five birds as the rest of them were sufficiently enjoyed truly by the very hands that cooked them in the first place.

"I guess ninjas were survivors and practical beings, first and foremost."

Kulas concluded in silence after how swiftly the woman had done her part without even leaving her eyes in his for a moment.

"Prin... Tsun." Kulas corrected himself in mid speech.

She was the first of her servants and it was better to call her as such so as to provide good precedence on the coming summons to come.

It would have been better if she could act like a robotic moron who can only receive and do his bidding but the thought of pushing through that sagely option put an undeniable guilt on his heart.

If it were to be, then he had not only abducted her but also changed her into something beyond her original self.

"I don\'t think i can live with myself after that." Kulas mused.

"I am just as helpless as you are. I need your service at this time and if..."

the boy continued.

"...if there comes a time when i can finally send you back home, then you can be rest assured that i would not take that liberty away from you. But for now, i can\'t lose a powerful ally like you. At least... not yet. Will you help me, Tsun?" he added after a momentary pause.

Kulas tried to sound older and wiser perhaps as he wanted to appear capable in front of this valiant ninja.

"Who are you?" was all the Fifth Hok asked after some little consideration.

It was truth that she could not do anything to reverse whatever binding technique this was.

And not for the lack of trying in her part.

The magic within her body would feel disconnected the moment she would try to wield them as her own.

"I.... am..." Kulas tried to answer but felt a raging turmoil inside his stomach.

\'DAMN! How could this happen to me?!\' He tried to form a coherent thought but heard the reality of the situation in the next moments.



"PFFFF!" Something big and wet went down south. In the next breaths, Kulas visibly shriveled as if the very waters inside his body evaporated in an instant.

"What\'s happening to you?" Princess Tsun asked but she did not panic. She was a medical ninja after all.

Her hands glowed once more and her power was directed at the belly of Kulas. Unfortunately, this sad situation was brought upon by an almost omnipotent treasure in creation.

Kulas died in a bad case of diarrhea a few minutes later.



"HAK!" A second more, the corpse resuscitated to life back again. This was of course the timely entrance of our very own protagonist.

The shrunken flesh returned to the pink of health once more but the stench on his privates remained all throughout.

"I feel dirty." These was the first words of our bored gamer into this world. He looked into the mature woman before him and gathered the entirety of his situation.

\'It seemed that i can summon countless anime characters into this reality.\'

\'This would be an easy win for me. At least i hope so.\' Clark mused for some precious seconds. In the end, he finally answered the question that laid unanswered before.

"I am Clark Colter. I\'m pleased to meet you, Princess Tsun." Thus, began the first contract that would last the two of them for many many years of friendship.

* * *

Five hundred years passed easily and it was rather expected for our bored gamer to conquer this world in a flash.

One should know that anime and manga characters were born op to begin with.

With the wolfish cunning and skills of our good gamer, this world did not have a chance of resistance at all.

It was gobbled down piece by piece until the whole cake was thrown directly into the ravenous mouth of its conqueror.

"How many worlds have i won thus far, Nancy?" Clark asked his handy system.

"If this present world would be added on the list, that would give you 10 worlds already, host." The system replied promptly.

"I see. Is that true, partner?" Our bored gamer then asked his stubborn heavenly treasure.


Power Systems Conquered: 10/50

"Sure enough. I got me another one." Clark grinned and then slept to see another murder the moment he opened his eyes again.

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