Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 135 Picking Rooms Part 2

I was brought to the fourth floor by a magical elevator that went between the floors. Well, they call it a lift, but to me, it’s just an elevator. When it stopped at the fourth floor, we exited to stand in a small room just big enough for ten people. There was nothing else but four white walls.

“Young Miss, please place your hand on the wall here and inject your magic into it. It is already waiting for you to register with it.” Jeeves explained, which made me nod my head. I guess this was what you call a secret mechanism that brought you to the real room.

I walked over to the wall Jeeves told me to and placed my hand on it, and began injecting my mana. All of a sudden runic letters began forming on the wall. They pulsated for a second before suddenly spreading out in all directions, making a unique pattern on the wall before a glowing light began connecting them together. I watched with great interest as they slowly began to form a magic circle that took up almost the entire wall. In the center, I watched as it started to slowly become transparent.-.

And what was revealed was a small garden within a room that had windows on the ceiling and walls. An indoor greenhouse is a good way to describe it, but only part of the rooms was like this, while the rest was more rustic and very familiar in a sense. It reminded me of home… I almost began tearing up. Adel really did put her heart and soul into my room. She made it feel like home before I even stepped foot into it.

I slowly walked through the opening in the wall, followed by Jeeves, and began looking around. My eyes shined as I saw the decor. “Adel really outdid herself.”

“The princess had been here during the entire renovation overseeing every detail to the point that the contractors wanted to kick her out on her head. She was very nit picky if anything did not match the image she had.” Jeeves explained. I turned to smile at him but was stunned when I saw him bowing to me.

“Jeeves!?” I stepped forward to try to help him up, but he seemed locked in place not willing to raise his head.

“Please allow me this bow. I must thank you. Princess Adel and Prince Lance have been like my own children. While the other princes were raised by their caretakers, I was in charge of the only princess of the kingdom and the crown prince. They have been under my care ever since the day they were born. And I know their personalities well. While they can be a bit off the wall, they are both good children. It’s just before you came, Princess Adel seemed to always be down when she walked around the castle, and Prince Lance was always being taken advantage of.

“While they both have their good and bad qualities, they both have one thing in common. They are very kind children who love this kingdom very much. Princess  Adel has not stopped talking about you since the day she met you. You have truly brought her out of her gloomy state. While some of her actions and obsessiveness can be over the top, she finds you to be very dear to her heart and would never betray you. So I do hope you will stay friends with her no matter how she acts.

“As for Prince Lance. While he is an idiot at times he is still a good young man and worthy of being king once he understands how to deal with people properly. Since meeting you, he seems to have changed and is now working hard to become a king worthy of your approval. This is something that His Majesty and I truly thank you for. So I do hope you will not shun him too much.”  Jeeves’s love for the two he raised was clear as day. He may be old now, but it seems he really cared for both Adel and Prince Lance and still does to this day.

“Jeeves, please raise your head. I would not live under the same roof as someone I did not like. Both Adel and Prince Lance are good people and friends….. Well, Prince Lance is a good acquaintance. He still had a bit to go to be friends.” Although I would not have been able to say no to His Majesty, I would have at least tried to make it so that only Adel came and not Prince Lance if I did not feel that he was a good person. I do have my own line that I would not want to cross. While I may joke about this and that about him, I don’t hate or despise him.

“I thank you.” Jeeves raised his head and smiled at me. His old age showing as his face wrinkled up. “I will now return to settle a few things. Please look around. I am sure Princess Adel will be up soon.”

“Mmmm… thank you, Jeeves.” After I saw Jeeves off, I started looking around my new room. The mid section was actually a large flower garden. The entire set up was self sustained which was truly impressive. I could see the runic inscriptions that made it so that the flowers would be watered at a certain time every day. I do wonder how long they will live for with such a set up. To the right of the room was a door that led to the rooftop. Even here, a magic barrier was set up to keep the rain and unwanted guests out. The area outside was huge, and I mean huge. You could easily hold a concert out here if one wished to.

Back inside, on the other side of the garden, was another door that led to a large living area that had a few couches and a fireplace that sat in the middle. All the furnishing kept the rustic decor of the room. Nothing was over exaggerated and was kept very simple. There were a few rooms off to the side of this that led to a library, a small kitchen, and an office with more bookshelves full of books, and within the office was another door that led to what looked like a lab of some kind. I think this was a magic lab because it was much different and had many runic inscriptions built into the wall for protection.

And lastly was the bedroom, which was overly huge. It had a door that led to a similarly large bathroom with a bath big enough to be a swimming pool. But what caught my eye was not the huge bed big enough for like ten people but the thing on the ceiling over the bed. “Why is there a huge picture of Adel on the ceiling!?”

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