"Now let\'s see where you ran to, little rat," Davies muttered with an evil smirk as more square-like screens popped up.

"Where did you say he disappeared,d again?" He asked Daniella without taking his eyes off the screens that were popping up.

"At a mall..." Daniella answered almost immediately.


"What mall?" He looked at her with a face that said "Be more specific, nitwit, I knew that much already".

"Ah, sorry,"

"It was at the Olisseum mall that he disappeared," Daniella immediately corrected herself.

"Ok... Olisseum ma-... Wait?"

"Isn\'t that the one where he owns 53 percent of the shares of the company?" 

Due to keeping tabs on Lee Jung, he found out that 53 percent shares of Olisseum Mall were among the assets that Lee Jung had so luckily \'acquired\'.

"Yes, that one," Daniella replied.

"Ok... Which of the branches?" He asked again his eyes reverting to the footage being displayed on the holographic screens.

"The one you were at last week," she answered.


"Are you messing with me?" Davies\'s asked in a slightly annoyed tone at Daniella\'s annoying way of answering his questions.

"What?" Daniella asked with a wronged look as of she didn\'t understand what she did wrong.

"Address dumbass!!!"

"What is the address of the damn place!?"

"I obviously don\'t know the address of the place, and you know that," he almost shouted, but his tone only came out a little higher than normal.

"Ohhh, the address," she face palmed as of she didn\'t remember to, but he could tell that she was just acting as if she had forgotten.

As for how he could tell... Well, if he fell for such terrible acting then he hadn\'t learned anything in his five lifetimes.

"Speaking of which... Didn\'t I say something about having a premonition about the building crashing down to the floor overnight..."

"Yet, from your explanation... It seems like the building is still standing?"

"Why is that?" He suddenly recalled and asked while looking at her suspiciously.

"...Ah... About that..." Daniella began to look to the side while sweating a little despite the air conditioning inside the mansion.

"What about it?" Davies pressed on with a smirk appearing on his face as he was enjoying getting back at her after her annoying answers.

"... Errrr, I thought you were joking..." She finally spoke after seeing that he had no intention of letting her off.

"You thought I was joking?" He repeated with a little chuckle.

"... I don\'t joke about things like that... "

"I said I had a premonition... Don\'t make me a liar," he said, his tone serious. 

After all, he had no intention of letting the manager of that place get away scot-free, and by doing this, he could also indirectly affect Lee Jung... In a bad way of course, so he was all for it.

"But before that... The address,"

"Let\'s find that bastard?" He concluded on the issue, not planning to think again about what he had ordered her to do.

Daniella obviously didn\'t understand why Davies would want a building like that to come crashing to the ground, and she also didn\'t understand why he was so interested in the annoying bug named Lee Jung... Or at least that was how she saw him, but she couldn\'t exactly question his orders.

Asking Davies questions and questioning his orders were two different things and this was perfectly reflected in the results of such actions.

Asking him questions may result in the question being answered or not, depending on his mood, while questioning his orders would result in being taught a painful lesson or outrightly losing your head... Of course, this also depended on his mood.

As such, she was not interested in finding out of his mood was good or bad by questioning his orders, and she quickly decided to read the address written down in the report she had received, but that was the start of another problem.

"The address of the place is sma-... Ah, wait," she immediately paused after seeing the absurdity that was written down in the report.

"What is it now?" Davies asked, a bit incensed now as he thought Daniella was purposely not saying the address... Again.

"The address..." She began, but Davies immediately cut in,

"What\'s wrong with the address?" By the sound of his tone, she could hear that his mood was already dangling towards the worse side, so she quickly decided to say the absurdity that was written down even though it was embarrassing to say something like that out loud.I think you should take a look at

"Ah, sorry," she gulped audibly.

"The address is... "Smack Dat Booty Avenue, 69 Street, Coochie Lane..." 

Davies\'s eyebrows twitched and he wanted to ask if she was playing around again, but from the red, embarrassed look on her face, it seemed like even she had difficulty saying it out loud.

He simply stretched out his hand, indicating for her to put her phone into his outstretched palm, which she did and he quickly brought the phone closer to his face so he could see if she was telling the truth and shockingly enough, it was "Smack Dat Booty Avenue, 69 street, Coochie Lane," that was written there.

\'That can\'t be the name of a place, right?\' he thought exasperatedly as his eyebrows twitched some more while he looked at Daniella\'s embarrassed face that was slowly recovering.

*Ahem* he cleared his throat first before he spoke.

"Aida, bring up the security footage of the area around the Olisseum Mall at... Smack Dat Booty Avenue, 69 Street, Coochie Lane," he spoke as calmly as he could, not wanting to become as red-faced as his assistant.

[Of course sir] Aida\'s holographic figure could be seen nodding affirmatively with the only completely straight face in the room. As a mere software without emotion, there was no way she would be affected by something like embarrassment.

Just a second after she nodded in affirmation, the images being displayed on the many holographic screens that were up in the air all changed and began to show recognizable images of areas around the aforementioned Olisseum Mall.

\'It really was the name of a place!" Davies thought with a sigh and a facepalm. 

He had lost all faith in the humanity naming system after this episode. Next time he was going anywhere, he\'d simply request for the longitude and latitude of the location he was to be at.

He didn\'t need any more shocks like the one he was getting.

"Who even selected such a name?"

"... And why was such a name even allowed?" He finally couldn\'t hold it in anymore and burst out with embarrassed laughter.

"..." Daniella obviously didn\'t have an answer to that.

He took a deep breath to calm himself and then decided to focus on the more important thing right now which was, finding a rat.

"How many minutes ago did you say he disappeared from their sight?" He asked, not bothering to look at the report on the phone that was still in his hand, after all, he had Daniella to answer the question.

"Just over thirty minutes ago," she calculated the additional time they had spent bantering before she spoke.


"Aida, rewind the footage by forty minutes and find the individual named Lee Jung,"

"His picture should be present on your database," he laid out the instructions required for Aida to find Lee Jung\'s presence at the location.

[Affirmative sir] Aida\'s cold tone rang out in response to Davies\'s instructions and her holographic figure could be seen making different motions as she controlled the footage through motions.

The footage we\'re quickly seen being reversed quite a bit until they stopped and then they began to be played, but at a faster pace than the normal flow of time.

As a computer software with very high processing power, she didn\'t have any difficulty searching for Lee Jung at a speed 32 times the normal flow of time...which was exactly what she was doing.

As expected, a few seconds later, her voice rang out again,

[Target "Lee Jung" found]

All the screens paused and one particular screen zoomed in on Lee Jung\'s face that was now present on the screen.

"Oh good," Davies said with a little smile. 

It was results like this that made him feel that the five-odd years that he had spent on creating her was not a waste of his time, especially as she wasn\'t even running at full power.

\'It\'s really a good thing to have assistants,\' he thought with a smile, inwardly giving himself a tip of the hat at how he managed to throw all the difficult work to other people.

[Lazy ass]

\'Hey, it\'s not my fault I\'m rich... And lazy,\' he replied with a laugh, not even bothering to deny her accusation.

"Track his movements from that moment till now..." He ordered Aida as he wanted to know where Lee Jung was right now.

[Affirmative sir] Aida replied and immediately a holographic map appeared and the screens continued moving.

A line appeared on the map that showed Lee Jung\'s movements along the map.

Strangely sometimes the line on the map broke off and then reappeared, but Davies knew that it was only Lee Jung entering a blind spot and then remerging into the views of the cameras.

He didn\'t let it bother him because no matter how many blind spots Lee Jung passed through, he still couldn\'t completely escape the eyes of the cameras. 

Even if he only passed blindspots, all Davies had to do was to determine and follow the blindspots and he would still find him.

"The only way the little bastard can escape is if all the cameras in the city suddenly stopped working," he said out loud with a little laugh, and as if by word command, all the screens suddenly went blank.

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