Davies arrived along with Daniella shortly after she told him about the discovery of the Ghost thief\'s body.

Waiting on the scene was a squad of men in black suits waiting patiently for their arrival. The men in black suits and white shirts were members of the Men in Black organization that Davies had commissioned for a "pest removal" operation a while ago. 

Daniella had seen fit to commission them for a long-term operation to help her in her duties with managing Davies\'s security details, and since Davies didn\'t mind it as he figured that she\'d need a bit of help on more basic tasks so he could have her focus on more important things. To this end he had given her free reign on hiring more people she would need for anything that she didn\'t want to have to do herself.

The Men in Black showed him the body of the ghost thief, which was laying on the floor, now with a hole in his chest as well as having his face uncovered.

Davies finally saw the face of the man who had dared to try to steal his technology from right under his nose, but he did not try to remember it as he had other important things on his mind.

"Please tell me you at least found the drive?" he asked with a sigh, but he didn\'t have high expectations of a positive answer as it was obvious from the condition of the ghost thief that he had been killed and ransacked of whatever properties he may have had.

"Negative sir, he seemed to have been ransacked clean," Just as he had been expecting the answer he received from the Men in Black was a negative one.

"All we found in the area was this dagger and the remains of what seemed to be a wireless earpiece," the man currently speaking said as he held up a dagger with its handle wrapped in a white handkerchief to Davies.

Davies collected the dagger and inspected it and sure enough, it was the dagger that the ghost thief had held up when he had been discovered by Davies himself when he had just arrived at the 139th floor.

"So, he probably arrived at this place and was killed," Davies murmured to himself, looking at the injury on the chest of the ghost thief.

"But how?" he was finding it hard to believe that someone who was intangible to physical objects and even nonphysical objects, someone who had managed to escape from even him when he was in a very injured state was simply killed with a sword stabbed into his chest.

"Either he was killed by someone he knows and trusts to never attack him, or it happened so suddenly that he wasn\'t expecting it and wasn\'t able to activate his ability in time…" he murmured with his hand on his chin, displaying a thoughtful look.

"... or was the killer so strong that, his death was inevitable?" he thought with a disbelieving look appearing on his face, but he just as quickly dismissed the idea as he didn\'t think that something like that was possible.

For one, if the killer was that strong, then he would have stolen the technology himself without needing to play tricks, and if the killer was unrelated to the issue, then he wouldn\'t have disappeared so quickly. 

Also, someone as strong wouldn\'t be so jobless as to go around just killing people without reason, right?…

[Can\'t tell, you of all people should know that there are too many weird people with weird habits in this world] Miya put forth her thoughts, but even she didn\'t think that it was the third option.

[So that only leaves him being killed by someone he knows or an unexpected accidental death] she continued.

\'Wait… come again?\' Davies immediately asked as some of her words had struck a chord in his head and now his brain was turning rapidly.

[Him being killed by someone he knows?] Miya asked if this was what he meant,

\'No, after that,\' Davies clarified.

[An unexpected accidental death?]  Miya asked again, unsure about what he meant 

\'Exactly,\' it finally clicked in his mind who those words were usually used for. 

If you\'re thinking of a protagonist\'s opportunities, then you\'re thinking in the same direction as Davies was. He immediately called out to Daniel, "What are the whereabouts of the kid I asked you to keep an eye on?"

"Let me check," Daniella quickly answered and took out a phone to call the people she had watching Lee Jung\'s movements. Soon after she was telling Davies about how they were able to keep Lee Jung in their sights for most of the day, but suddenly lost his trail just about an hour ago.

At this point, Davies was able to confirm that it was just as he had thought. An unexpected accidental death had befallen, but to the fated protagonist Lee Jung, it was an unexpected accidental opportunity that had befallen him.

He didn\'t know whether to laugh or to be angry at this kind of occurrence. It seemed that fate was taking him to be some sort of free EXP giver for Lee Jung. 

The sheer absurdity of the situation only served to infuriate him, someone had broken into his company and tried to steal something he had been working on for years, right under his nose. He had prevented a complete loss, but somehow, the person was able to escape from him only to die a dog\'s death at the hands of the protagonist, handing over information that he had no right to come in contact with, for free.

The audacity of fate to take him as some sort of newbie pack that would be handed over to the protagonist to be slaughtered and to hand over years of his hard work, perseverance, and sleepless nights.

He began to chuckle, but soon he had to cover his mouth to stop himself from letting out mad laughter. Previously, he only disliked Lee Jung because he was a fated protagonist and did not actually hate him as he had never actually done anything to him, but now, he hated him.

He was going to make sure he fucked him over so bad that fate herself would feel the sting because he hated being made to feel like everything he had suffered and gone through, as well as everything he was as a person, was inconsequential, and that was exactly what he was feeling right now.

And for that, fate could be congratulated for triggering an enemy that wouldn\'t stop until he hunted down every agent of hers.

Davies swallowed his laughter, took another look at the ghost thief, and began to leave the scene as he no longer felt the need to be there, but just before he left, he left an order behind for the Men in Black.

"Run his face through every scan you have and figure out his identity," he ordered, obviously talking about the now-dead ghost thief. Just because the ghost thief had not managed to steal much information from him, or because he was now dead didn\'t mean that Davies wasn\'t going to look into him.

The bastard had actually dared to try to steal technology from him in the first place and he was obviously acting on someone\'s orders. Davies planned to find those bastards and show them what it meant to poke at a dragon\'s treasure horde. He was going to show the wrath of an angry dragon… their family and loved ones would feel it together with them as well. 

He was a magnanimous person, so he wouldn\'t send a man to the afterlife without having his family accompany him.

Lee Jung would also get what was coming to him in due time, he wouldn\'t be left out even if he had no plans of stealing from Davies in the first place, but Davies was sure that with the greed that was to be found in every fate-fed protagonist, he would be having intentions at the rest the technology that was in the drive.

The Magical Runic Technology was just that valuable, otherwise, it wouldn\'t take him this long to develop it even when he had the most genius mind in the whole world of Leivandage when it came to magical technology.

As for whether Lee Jung would know if it was valuable, Davies had thought of it and found such a situation to be inevitable, otherwise, it wouldn\'t have ever fallen into his hands in the first place.

It was a well-known law of fated characters that if even the inkling of an opportunity came close to the character, then it was meant for him, and he would be taking every single bit of it… alone.

But Davies didn\'t care about such a rule or law, as for him such a law could as well go to hell. He was not letting Lee Jung\'s greasy palms get anywhere near his technology. He\'d break each and every one of his finger\'s bones if he even so much as dared to reach for what he shouldn\'t.

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