A woman was kneeling on the floor with a sword stabbed right in the middle of her chest and barely a few centimeters away was a young man\'s figure standing above her kneeling figure with his hand on the hilt of the sword that had just been run into her heart.

As the man tried to pull out the sword stuck in her, his movements revealed a bunch of weird tattoo-like markings across his wrist. This did not escape the attention of the recently impaled woman who somehow found the strength to grab his wrist to confirm what she was seeing.

"...Those markings…"

"...the mad blood tyrant body… that means you are Da… *Gasp*" The woman started to say before she began to continuously cough up blood.

The man had seen all sorts of reactions from different people he had killed over the years… but this wasn\'t one of them. Somehow, he couldn\'t find the strength to push her away and finish her off.

For once his normally cold and stoic face revealed a trace of emotion as he saw a tear run down her cheek as she breathed her last and closed her eyes, her grip on his arm loosening.

For a few minutes, he just stood there, rooted to the spot, not moving a single muscle until he felt something running down the right side of his face.

His right hand slowly moved to his face… as he touched his face, he saw something he hadn\'t seen in years… his tears.

Seeing his tears scared him and brought out all the feelings he had been keeping bottled up for years as he reacted sharply and dashed away from the location, leaving his sword still stabbed in the woman\'s now dead body that was now lying on the floor.

With a full moon shining brightly above his head he ran and ran in any direction he could until he fell into a stream of fast-flowing water. The water seemed to have shocked his senses awake, as he stopped running and tried to wash away the blood away from his body.

In reality, he had washed away the blood off of his pale white skin after more than five minutes of continuous washing, but in his vision, he could still see her blood all over his hands and he continually tried to wash her blood off his hands.

\'Why… Why does killing a random woman make me feel all this…\' he wondered as he continually washed his hands.

After a few minutes more of washing his hands, his raging emotions had calmed enough for him to think straight and stop washing his hands continuously. He then sat in a shallow part of the stream, water running along his body as he psyched himself and tried to put it all behind him, the people he had hurt, the people he had killed, the pain he had caused. He tried to forget it all and look forward and hope for a brighter future where he wouldn\'t have to do all this.

This was supposed to be his last mission for the Demon birth hall yet somehow this mission hit him the hardest and the reason why was totally unexplainable to him. He had killed people before, so why did he feel different today… the thinking wasn\'t getting him anywhere, so he stood up from his sitting position, his face reverting to his usual cold, stoic, and unfeeling face.

He leaves the stream and retraces his steps to find his way back to the demon sect and he then goes to report to the Demon sect leader.

As he entered the throne room where the demon sect leader was, along with other high-level members of the demonic sect, the young man walked down the throne room and knelt down before the demon sect leader who seemed to be shrouded in the darkness as he looked down at the young man.

"I have completed my last mission and finished your trial, sect master." The young man said to the demon sect leader with his head bowed.

"Hmmm… You were quicker than I expected, but later than we expected." A deep voice, full of power, came from the demon sect leader as he responded to the kneeling young man.

"..." The young man stayed silent while still kneeling as he pondered the demon sect master\'s words.

"... Tell me…" the demon sect leader started to say, his voice taking on a mischievous tone,

"... as you killed her… did you feel anything?" The demon sect asked.

"...!…" The young man flinched as he heard this question, not expecting this question from the sect leader.

"Oh, you did… hehe..." The sect leader had noticed the young man\'s muscles tightening at that moment.

"... Well, you should have… after all, she was your…"


Davies woke up sweating, despite the air conditioning in the car he was currently being driven around in.

As he breathed heavily and tried to calm his breathing, he heard Miya ask,

[You had the nightmares again, didn\'t you?]

"Don\'t worry about it… I must have been especially tired." Davies answered quickly, brushing off her question as he rubbed his forehead and pinched his brows.


Miya was about to speak when a voice came from the driver\'s seat of the car that Davies was being driven in, "Sir, we\'ve arrived," a young almost feminine voice came from the young-faced driver that was driving.

"Oh, Daniel… We\'ve arrived at the company?" Davies asked the driver.

"No… I took the liberty to take the decision on your behalf to come to the mansion, as you were sleeping," responded Daniel as he came down and went ahead to open the door for Davies.

"Oh…" Davies said as he stepped out of the car and looked at the glorious modern-style mansion that was spread out in front of him.

He first took a few seconds to appraise the mansion before turning to Daniel and pulling his cheek, "I get that you\'re my driver, butler, bodyguard, and personal assistant, but next time, don\'t make decisions for me." He said as pulled Daniel\'s cheeks.

"Yesh…" Daniel sounded weird, as his cheeks were being pulled by Davies.

"And also, nice work with the mansion." Davies commended as he let go of Daniel\'s cheek and started walking towards the mansion.

"Yes sir…" Daniel replied with a tearful expression while rubbing his cheek as he followed after Davies as they walked towards the mansion.

As they entered the mansion, Davies called out to Daniel before he set to exploring his new home,

"Call Arnold and tell him I\'ll be coming to the company in a few hours, also prepare an outfit for me and a car that I can drive… something faster than that thing you drove me in."

"Alright sir, anything else?" Daniel quickly responded.

"Nothing much… I\'ll probably be going to sleep for a little while," Davies replied while Miya said in his head,

[Hopefully without nightmares.]

\'I told you, I\'m fine.\' Davies retorted in his head while walking towards a direction that he hoped was the bedroom.

A few hours later…

Davies stepped out of the bathroom after he just finished having a shower and walked over to where Daniel had placed his prepared outfit and began wearing his clothes which consisted of a black shirt with white stripes, a pair of trousers, and a black overcoat.

After dressing up, Davies walked over to the mirror to look at himself in the mirror. There staring at him in the mirror was a 6ft2 tall, handsome, white-haired, and pale-skinned man with enchanting emerald-green eyes.

\'Damn! Just too fresh… but something feels off,\' he thought narcissistically before bringing out his glasses from his inventory and putting them on, completing his look,

"Much better…," he said as he wore the glasses.

Davies then began to walk out of the room, all the way through the house until he got to the main door of the house that he came in from. He then stepped out the door to see a black Plexus LFA sports car parked on the driveway and Daniel standing alongside the car, both waiting patiently for his arrival.

Davies walked towards Daniel before stretching out his right hand,

"Keys…?" He requested with a smile,

"...I told you I was driving…" Davies said as he collected the car keys from Daniel who reluctantly handed them over.

Davies and Daniel got into the car and Davies pushed the button to start the car. The car came to life with a soft humming sound.

Inside the car, Daniel quickly put on his seatbelt before turning to Davies and asking,

"I don\'t mean to be disrespectful… but do you even have a driving license," Daniel asked suspiciously.

"...Nope… But then what does that matter," Davies replied with a huge grin before quickly putting the car into gear and slamming down on the accelerator.

The car tires quickly spun as they burnt some rubber before the car began to move, quickly increasing in speed as it drove down the driveway and drifted out of it.

"Whooooo… really gets your blood pumping doesn\'t it," Davies said to Daniel with his hand on the steering wheel, but Daniel was tightly grabbing onto the seatbelt trying his best not to scream.

"Hahaha… We\'re Megas yet you\'re scared of driving at high speeds… now that\'s a joke." Davies chuckled as he still drove at high speed and drifted around a corner.

"Okay, talk to me… what do I have on my schedule today…?" Davies asked Daniel who still grabbed tightly to the seatbelt.

"...Uhm… w-well you\'re going to the company right now." stammered out Daniel.

"Tell me something I don\'t know…" Davies retorted.

"Well after your meeting with the company today, they\'re organizing a welcome party for you this evening." Daniel continued.

"Oooh, a party… that may be a little interesting… what else?" Davies asked.

"... well… the Lake family has also called to set up a meeting with you as soon as possible…" Daniel said cautiously.

"...Oh, them… Ignore them…" Davies said as drove through a well-guarded gate without pause and into the premises of a large industrial area. He drove for a few more minutes before finally pulling up in front of an extremely tall and lavish-looking skyscraper.

Just as Davies was about to grab the door handle to come down from the car, he heard Miya\'s voice in his head,

[Protagonist aura detected.]


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