Dreambreaker : The extra from 2393

Chapter 83: A strange golden amour

Chapter 83: A strange golden amour

"This ends here!"— Aeravat\'s thunderous roar echoed as he plummeted from above like a blazing comet, his sights locked onto the Damphyr below.

Just as his sword\'s lethal arc aimed for the Damphyr\'s neck, a resounding clash of metal erupted—Clink–clang!— two attacks deflected his strike, each coming from opposite sides of his blade. The Vampire-kin\'s razor-sharp claws clashed against his talwar, intercepting his assault from both flat sides of the sword, creating a tumultuous clash of forces.

But this was not enough to stop Aeravat.

The sword\'s downward trajectory persisted, and the Vampire-kin found himself compelled to kneel on one knee under the sheer force of the collision, his position forced upon him by the weighty clash that sent shockwaves through his frame.

He struggled to maintain his grip on Aeravat\'s talwar, the weapon\'s edge biting into his flesh, leaving behind a deep gash on his shoulder.

And just as he... - Flash!

Something happened.

Before he could understand what had happened - thud!, the Damphyr\'s head rolled on the floor.

The last thing he saw before this happened was a sharp red line of pure energy in his vision, resembling a diagonal cut.

He lifted his head from the lifeless body of the Damphyr and found his gaze meeting Instructor Liya\'s.

"That\'s done. Let\'s go help them!" Instructor Liya commanded, and Aeravat nodded before both of them charged towards the vampiress.





Takahashi found himself sprawled on the floor. His battered form was covered in bruises.

The reason for this?- Well, turned out that their combined attacks from earlier were not enough to put down the duo of the Vampiress and the Werewolf.

The spot where they attacked had a small crater, a testament to the intensity of their attack.

While Emily and Aurora remained relatively unscathed, because they engaged from a distance, Takahashi as a melee fighter had placed himself in the direct path of the werewolf, resulting in a severe thrashing that left him defeated on the floor. He was out cold. Not dead, but most likely unconscious.

Next without warning, the Werewolf ran at Aurora on all fours.

She attempted to retaliate by launching bolts of electricity, but the agile creature effortlessly sidestepped each attack with nimble precision.

It didn\'t take long for the werewolf to close the distance. Soon they were engaged in close combat.

In this intimate struggle, Aurora found herself hopelessly swinging her rapier, her strikes feeble against the might of her adversary.

Swipe! —With a swift swipe of its claws, the werewolf shattered the rapier into three distinct cuts, rendering it useless in the process.

"Aurora run! ", Aeravat urgently called out to her, urging her to flee from the dire predicament while he himself charged towards the werewolf.

However, before he could give any aid, two crimson arrows of pure mana were suddenly hurtling towards him, unleashed by the vexing vampiress.

Clenching his teeth, Aeravat swiftly raised his shield to block the incoming projectiles, successfully thwarting the attack.

Throughout their encounter, the vampiress had persistently inflicted considerable difficulties upon them.

Her arrow assaults, possessing both immense strength and remarkable speed, posed a continuous threat capable of toppling even massive boulders.

Amidst the chaos, Aurora found herself plummeting to the unforgiving ground, the werewolf poised to deliver the final, decisive blow, raising its clawed hand high, gleaming with deadly intent.

Yet, at the very brink of impending doom, a peculiar turn of events unfolded.

Without warning, a blunt arrow struck the werewolf\'s chest, not aimed to injure, but rather carried an unexpected gust of wind. This forceful push drove the werewolf away from Aurora\'s defenceless form, momentarily halting its imminent attack.

Seizing this fleeting opportunity, Emily swiftly launched another attack, her bluish mana arrow slicing through the air with unmatched precision.

However, her attack was abruptly intercepted by a deep red arrow, deftly shot by the vampiress.

Emily now found herself embroiled in a fierce duel of arrows against the vampiress. At the same time, the werewolf remained locked in a gruelling fight against Instructor Liya and Aeravat.

In the blink of an eye, the fierce exchange of arrows between Emily and the vampiress came to an abrupt and devastating end. Amidst the chaos, Emily\'s fortune turned sour as four scorching red arrows fiercely surged through the air, leaving a trail of fiery brilliance in their wake. With relentless precision, these arrows sliced through the air, their lethal tips finding their mark as they impaled themselves into the ground, ensnaring Emily\'s dress and effectively pinning her to the floor, rendering her helpless.

The vampiress, her expression filled with twisted satisfaction, glared scornfully at the defeated form of Emily.

"Die annoying human!"— With a callous intent, she loaded a seemingly ordinary arrow onto her crossbow.

Yet, as she prepared her weapon, an extraordinary transformation unfolded before everyone\'s eyes. The arrow began to radiate a pulsating glow, intensifying with each passing moment. Simultaneously, its length extended to a remarkable five feet, while ancient runes encircled the tip, rotating with an enigmatic power.

It was evident that the vampiress had invoked an enchantment, a weapon infused with newfound potency that spelt the death of Emily.

Aeravat looked at the unfolding scene and was frightened.

"No!!"—He let out a shout while he pushed back the werewolf with his shield.

He ran towards Emily, to shield her from the vampires but —"You are not going anywhere! ", a menacing growl resonated from behind, its human-like timbre sending shivers down his spine.

In a bewildering turn of events, the werewolf ensnared him from behind, their bodies entwined in a fierce struggle that rapidly escalated into an intense tussle. In a harrowing twist of fate, both were thrust onto the ground, the werewolf securing its dominance by pinning Aeravat beneath its weight.

Gritting his teeth, Aeravat watched the unfolding scene from the ground, lifting his head, while Instructor Liya came and kicked the werewolf, unpinning Aeravat.

But it was too late — Swiiissshh!!.

The vampiress launched her attack.

Her arrow left a blazing red trail behind it. The colossal, glowing five-foot arrow was now about to strike Emily, who was pinned to the ground.

Aurora lay exhausted, her mana depleted, on the floor.

Takahashi was also on the ground, unconscious. Meanwhile, Emily herself was sprawled on the floor, pinned by four arrows.

In that moment, everything felt silent as the arrow made its way towards Emily.

Was this her end?

Was she going to die?

Just as the arrow was about to impale her torso something blurred in her vision.

As if emerging from a mirage, a figure materialized in front of her, almost out of thin air.

His body, drenched in a cloak of crimson, stood as an unyielding barrier between her and the imminent danger.

Time seemed to pause as destiny took its course—the merciless arrow found its mark, colliding with the newfound shield.

Bang! —The resounding bang echoed through the expansive lobby, reverberating with an intensity that sent shockwaves of wind cascading through the air. And along with the shock wave followed an explosion—Bomb!

Crimson red flames engulfed the figure, unleashing a devastating attack.

As the flames gradually subsided, a peculiar sight was unveiled —a figure stood before her, garbed in black outfit, stained with traces of crimson red.

He appeared to be adorned with a very strange... golden armour. The entire scene shouted otherworldly, leaving Emily in awe.

Not even a scratch could be seen on his body, as if the attack didn\'t even phase him.

Slowly the figure turned his gaze towards Emily, revealing a pair of unsettling grey eyes. Deeply unsettling.

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