My Vampire System

Chapter 2263 No One Brave Enough?

No one was quite sure what H was doing as the misty energy gathered in his hands, but soon there was a chill in the air that could be felt by all. Some thought about going in and stopping H. It was clear he was charging up a big attack, yet no one moved. They were worn out from fighting already, and if they did go in, wouldn\'t it just be speeding up their death?

"My sword... I can stop it with my sword," Layla said, as she got up and picked it up off the ground. Russ had thrown it to her after he was done with it. Although he did want to keep it to himself, he didn\'t like the feeling he had before. It almost felt like he wasn\'t the one in control.

As Layla went to walk forward, Russ quickly turned around and kicked her in the stomach, sending her right back down to the floor.

"What do you think you\'re doing!" Russ asked. "You can hardly move. Going outside would be suicidal."

Layla was holding her stomach. In some ways, Russ was right because she couldn\'t even see his kick. So even with the sword, how would she even touch a ten-spike Dalki?

"How are you even able to hit me?" Layla asked.

"Because of the thing your husband left inside of my head. It\'s to protect you no matter what, and the best thing to do is to not get involved at all," Russ claimed.

The large ice ball had finished being made from H\'s hand. It was the size of H\'s own chest, and when letting it go, the ice ball hit one of the Six Spike Dalki by his side. Its whole body froze up in an instant. From head to toe, there was now a statue of a Six Spike Dalki.

The other one seeing this tried to run away, but the ice ball made by H after hitting one Six Spike went straight to its closest target, the other Six Spike Dalki. It jumped but wasn\'t quick enough as the ball touched its back. It froze in place partly in the air, and then fell to the ground, smashing into tiny pieces. It was clear that the Dalki was dead.

"If that ice ball completely froze the strong Six Spike like that, if it hits any of us, we\'re done for!" Shiro said. "Everyone, run away."

Shiro quickly switched to Raten, the most athletic out of the lot. In doing so, he ran past the other Blades and quickly scaled the building with his bare hands. When he turned around, he could see that the large ice ball had gone toward the other Blades.

The ice ball was rapid in movement, hitting one person, going from one person to the next, freezing them all on the spot. Some tried to attack the ice ball with their powers, using flames, water, and other abilities to push it away, but they were unable to do anything as it hit them one by one.

"We have to help them," Vorden claimed. "We can\'t just stay up here and watch them all die."

"How can we help them? We don\'t have the power to help them," Raten claimed.

On top of that, H was moving as well. It wasn\'t very fast. He had a large smile on his face as he entered the field of frozen Blades. He was walking slowly to each person and slapping them with his large hands. Each time he did, the ice sculptures would break into multiple pieces. For Shiro watching from above, he had bitten his lip so hard, blood was trickling down his face.

"I really can\'t do anything but just stay up here while watching him kill everyone we know, everything we have built up one by one!" Shiro fell to his knees clenching both hands.

Every single one of the Blades that had helped out in the fight, that was there for the war, and had survived the original attack by Jack, had now been frozen. Shiro was now the only survivor left from the Blade group.

The ice ball, having travelled through all of the Blades, was now heading right for Jake Green.

"If it\'s ice, then the best thing to do will be to melt it!" Jake had been gathering up his own ball of power. Using his powers of fire and earth together, he could create hot molten lava.

At the right time, he thrust his two hands forward, and the lava spewed out toward the ice ball. It continued to hit it, producing masses of steam in the air, and it looked like the ice ball was getting smaller as well, but it wasn\'t enough for the ice ball to completely disappear.

"That\'s fine, I have plenty of things I can still do!" Jake thought.

He was ready to go to the next part of his plan, but the fact that his ice ball had been affected caused H to look his way. He had caught the attention of H. There were still around ten more frozen Blades for him to go through.

"It might be best to get rid of that one first," H thought.

There was another person that noticed this, the look in H\'s eyes, which was why, right from behind Jake, a person had appeared. They grabbed his waist, and the two of them disappeared again.

The magma stopped, and Jake was nowhere to be seen.

"What the... mum, what did you do that for?" Jake asked.

Having gathered back a small bit of her power, Vicky had teleported down to Jake, grabbed onto him, and teleported him back to where Logan and she were. They had moved to the rooftop to inside one of the buildings still watching the scene from afar.

"You stood out too much," Vicky stated. "I know you\'re strong, I know you want to help, but the second that thing laid eyes on you, I saw your life vanish before my eyes, I saw everything go just like that."

Vicky was finding it hard to keep in the tears, and Jake, noticing this, didn\'t want to shout back.

"Mum, but if I don\'t stop him, if no one stops him, then who can? I was the one that came out the least injured and with the most energy. The other aliens aren\'t strong enough, and everyone else is too tired."

Looking out the window, the ice ball had caught their eye. Although smaller than it was, one could tell it still had devastating power, and now it was heading right for the house where Layla, Russ, and Minny currently were.

"Maybe I can block this with the shadow," Russ said as a shadow appeared in front of them but disappeared in an instant. Parts of shadow were just seen flickering, but nothing else. Russ had truly used up all of his MC.

"This is why we should have run when we had the chance!" Russ complained, and that\'s when Minny went ahead and stood in front of both of them.

"Minny, what are you doing? Just hide in your shadow space. Get out of here!" Layla shouted.

Russ thought for a second; maybe Minny could use her shadow to block the attack, but if the attack was too strong, it wouldn\'t work out, and that was just stopping them from one attack, not getting rid of the problem... H.

"Don\'t worry, Mum." Minny said as she reached out her hand, and the ring with the green gem on it started to glow. "I will protect us, I will get rid of the bad man."

The ring lit up, and suddenly the whole ice ball just disappeared, just like that, it had been removed. Everyone was stunned and didn\'t know what happened, including Layla.

This was because when Minny had fought against Mundus in the past, using the power of the God Slayer ring, both she and Russ were frozen in time. They had no idea the extent of what Minny could do, and neither did H.

"This time, I\'m going to use the ring right!"


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