Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 267 - Episode 267: A Promised Land. (End Of Volume.3)

After the execution, Ivonna is following King Gervase and King Rodwane to the Kings\' hall where all the rulers of the Alliance Kingdoms are gathering while I\'m staying with Avriel because I want to check on her since she has been acting so strangely ever since she couldn\'t execute Crafnell. Avriel is hiding in a dark alley and leaning on the wall while staring at nothing, I approach her and lean on the wall in front of her. She\'s staring at me and she only shows me her blank expression, I don\'t know what\'s going on with her but I have a feeling it has something to do with Crafnell\'s children that might remind her of herself with Jariel when she was still a child.

I sigh and look at her.

"What are you thinking right now?"

Avriel is comforting herself by crossing her arms and tilting her head.

"Thinking about what I did in the past, I don\'t even remember how many people that I have killed and how many of them that have a family like Crafnell. I never thought that a scream of a child would terrify me than listening to the scream of someone dying in pain and agony, the moment those children screamed their lungs out, I couldn\'t do it..."

Avriel collapses and falls to the ground, she\'s covering her face and she looks so stressed out. I approach her and sit down in front of her and try to comfort her by rubbing her shoulder, she starts sniffling and shaking her head. I think this is her wake-up call and realized what she had done in the past will haunt her forever, and there\'s nothing I can do about it but to let her deal with it on her own. Suddenly a VoW appears in the sky and in front of my screen.

[Voice of the World]

[Congratulations to [I*********n] for completing [The Truth] Quest! The rewards are [100 Status Points], [Fame +15.000], a title [Royalty], and [Betelgeuse\'s Legacy Box II]. The players who have [The Truth] Quest with above 90% progress will receive [50 Status Points], [Fame +5.000], and [Optional Mythical Box]. The players with above 50% progress have will receive [20 Status Points], [Fame +2000], and [Optional High-Quality Equipment Box]. The players with above 20% progress will receive [5 Status Points], [Fame +500], and [Random High-Quality Equipment Box]. All the players who have [The Truth] Quest will be given a title [Truth Seeker]]

[May the Betelgeuse bless you!]

It seems that the conference has ended, it\'s time for me to leave and go back to the camp with the others. I stand up and look at Avriel that\'s still depressed, I offer my hand and she looks at it for quite a while then she looks at me.


I tilt my head.

"I have to leave and continue on my journey."

Avriel gives me a sour smile and scoffs.

"You can leave, I will be fine on my own."

I smile and shake my head.

"No, you\'re coming with me."

Avriel is surprised and looks at me with disbelief. I chuckle and nod.

"Come on, you heard me. I believe you want that as well, right?"

Avriel shyly smiles at me and nods, she then grabs my hand I pull her up. I look at her and just shake my head.

"Looking at you like that makes me feel a bit guilty and there\'s no way that I would leave you alone like that, and so I think it\'s the perfect opportunity for you to have a vacation away from stress."

Avriel nods with understanding.

I message Ivonna and ask her if she\'s done so we can go back to the camp together, but then she replies that there\'s something else she wants to do and she will be back to the camp with the others later, so I open the portal to the camp immediately because Avriel can\'t wait to see what\'s on the other side of the Orion. Avriel and I are inside my tent, and then she gets out to see the massive crater and see the camp, she smiles with excitement and disbelief, then she walks to the edge of the crater and looks at the camp from above, she\'s mesmerized by the massive crater then she looks at the surroundings, a small lake, and mountain on the north while forest and plain field on the south.

I approach her and cross my arms.

"Do you like what you see?"

Avriel is smiling and nodding in agreement.

I let her enjoy the view and when I look down, Ivonna and the others have come back. I tell Avriel that I have to go back to the camp because everyone has back, she nods with understanding and says that she will come down after she\'s done sightseeing.

I\'m entering the camp and everyone looks at me, they\'re all putting their belongings into their inventory. I look at them and raise my eyebrow.

"We are leaving?"

Kingstar nods.

"Yeah, we are leaving now."

I nod with understanding but then Avriel enters the camp and everyone is surprised to see her here, Ivonna is looking and raising her eyebrows at me.

"She\'s coming with us?"

I nod.

"Yeah, she needs a vacation so I decided to bring her along."

Everyone is looking at me and just nodding with understanding, Kingstar is putting his helmet on and looks at us.

"Alright, let\'s leave."

We all nod and then go back to our own tent to put everything back into our inventory.

(5 days of in-game time later)

We are in a long valley, the fog is really thick that we can barely see anything that\'s in front of us, and the chill wind is making everyone feels uncomfortable. The sun is covered with clouds and it feels like it\'s already night even though it\'s still 2 P.M., we keep walking forward but we hear monsters are screeching, howling, and screaming from the distance. Everyone is walking so slowly and looking at our surroundings because we don\'t want any monsters to ambush us with this limited visibility.

We keep walking and then the fog is slowly thinning and we now can see everything, the hills that are surrounding us are so beautiful that everyone takes their time to admire the scenery, but then Kingstar walks to the front and points at something.

"Guys, what\'s that?"

We all look at the distance and we see some kind of pointy and curvy tall thing that\'s almost as tall as the hill hiding behind the hill. We all decide to go over there to check what that thing is, of course I know what that thing is but I just pretend to be surprised with that thing as everyone does. We climb up the hill and everyone is surprised that it\'s not only one but there are so many of those things next to each other and another set of those things in front of them.

Kingstar tries to touch it and then knocks it with his fingers.

"This thing is sturdy, what the hell is this thing? Not just one but there are 18 of them along the way."

We are standing in the middle of the bone-like things, Liu tries to touch it as well and then looks at all the things while crossing his arms.

"Don\'t you guys think this thing is like a bone? If it\'s really a bone, then if we look at all the bones, it resembles a ribcage, right?"

Everyone is looking at the furthest bone-like thingy and we believe it\'s about 1 kilometer away from us, Diamond looks at Liu and raises his eyebrows.

"What kind of creature that has a stupidly long ribcage like this? The hell, man. I don\'t even want to think about that."

Lothair tilts his head while exhaling deeply.

"At least this thing is dead..."

I\'m chuckling mischievously while raising my eyebrow.

"Is it though?"

Everyone immediately turns their heads and stares at me, Michael is furrowing his forehead and scoffs.

"Dude, you just gave me chill down my spine..."

I chuckle and touch the bone.

"This thing could be bigger than we thought, this ribcage could be only half or even a quarter of its original size and the rest are buried underneath us. If you guys are curious about it, we can try and dig to find the rest of the bones of this thing and we can see what kind of creature this thing is."

All of them shake their heads without hesitation, even Avriel is shaking her head. Liu seems interested in what I just said and he tilts his head while staring and squinting his eyes at me.

"What makes you think so?"

I raise my eyebrows and shrug.

"Remember the massive crater where we made the camp a few days ago?"

Everyone nods with understanding, then I knock the bone behind me with my knuckles.

"This thing might have come to the Orion from the meteorite that made the crater like how Shazjae came to the Orion. If we compared the size of the crater and this thing, it does make sense, right? And we have no idea if Shazjae is just a hatchling or an adult creature, so there\'s a big chance this thing is also the same and grow old and died here. Since there\'s no history about something like this in the book or at least for me, then this thing is older than the civilization itself."

Ken is humming with understanding.

"So this thing is like a dinosaur in our world?"

I nod in agreement.

"Yeah, it could be."

Ivonna is looking at me and squinting her eyes.

"So you\'re saying that there are more of this creature out there?"

I shrug.

"I don\'t know, but yeah maybe..."

Everyone is just staring at each other and not a single word is coming out from their mouths. Hans raises his eyebrows while exhaling deeply through his nose.

"We need guns, no, we need nuclear bombs..."

Kingstar shakes his head.

"Okay I think that\'s enough of the scary story, we need to keep looking for the perfect place to build a city."

We all nod and continue the journey, everyone is still shocked by the fact there\'s a creature like this exists in the Orion.

(A week in-game time later.)

We are climbing up the mountain to see the terrain ahead of us because for the past few days we can smell the sea but we couldn\'t see anything since the mountains are blocking the view. When we are high enough to see what\'s in front of us, we see a vast sea surrounding us, but there\'s a path for us to walk to the land on the other side of us. Kingstar looks at Boschwell and the urban planners then he tilts his head on the land.

"Look at this."

All the urban planners are amazed by the view and they\'re looking at the land with their eyes wide open. Kingstar is squinting and covering his eyes because the sun is blinding him.

"What do you guys think?"

One of the urban planners looks at Kingstar.

"I think that\'s a different continent, Kingstar. We have reached the edge of our continent."

Kingstar looks at the other urban planners while raising his eyebrow.

"Do you guys think so too?"

They all nod in agreement, Kingstar then looks at me and crosses his arms.

"What do you think, Trevor? Do you think we should build the city over there?"

I\'m squinting my eyes and nodding.

"Yeah, that place looks perfect because there\'s no mountains nor hills over there so if we build a city on that land we can see everything from afar, and if there\'s a danger coming toward us we can see it easily. Not to mention the sea will be our source of food and nothing is better than having unlimited food resources."

Kingstar looks at the others and nods up.

"What about you guys?"

Everyone is looking at me and just nodding, Liu is pointing at me while tilting his head.

"If Trevor said it\'s good then it\'s good since he\'s the leader, and his reasoning is make sense so there\'s no complain from me."

The other nods in agreement. Kingstar looks at the urban planners while furrowing his forehead.

"Do you guys can make the city on that land?"

One of them is nodding with excitement.

"Yes, absolutely! But we need to gather more information about that place first, and if it meets the criteria then we can start to build the city."

Kingstar smirks and scoffs.

"Perfect! Alright, ladies and gents! Let\'s make our own civilization!"

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